Puzzle Hunts: Mystic Fish vs Shinteki Decathlon 6 / Volunteering


Saturday May 22 2010. Alexandra Dixon, Dave Walker, Dwight Freund, me. It was pretty awesome. Dave Walker lives on the east coast, so we don't get to play with him very often. Also, as Ian Tullis pointed out: this broke a streak of even-numbered Decathlons that had resulted in car trouble.

Big Heads Massaging the Megaminx Dance Dance Rotation


On the second weekend, I volunteered to help out at the dice game at the giant sundial in San Francisco's hilltop park.

12-Siders Ringers Sundial

Kids had written poetry in the pavement around the sundial. This poem affected me the most strongly:

"The sea was blue and cold,
The ship was rotting and old,
but the crew was brave and bold,
but that didn't help and they sank."

Shinteki Scramble: More Volunteering

On July 17, about a month after the Decathlons, the Shinteki folks re-ran the downtown San Francisco puzzles as an on-foot game.


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