The Import/Export Library: 3 Writing Translation Libraries

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GEOS comes with many translation libraries, and more are being added all the time. Geoworks is continually adding new translation libraries for popular formats. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee to support every format. Developers may decide to write their own translation libraries. This section describes how the libraries work in enough detail that developers will be able to do preliminary work in writing the libraries.

Most applications will find the provided translation libraries sufficient for their needs. Therefore, most developers can skip this section. You should read this if you are planning on writing translation libraries, or just if you want more understanding of the importing and exporting process.

Remember: once a translation library has been written, all a user has to do to install it is copy it to the appropriate directory. All existing applications which use Impex will then automatically be able to import and export that format. Users will be able to buy translation library collections from third-party vendors the way they buy font collections now.

Up: GEOS SDK TechDocs| Up | Down | Prev: 2 Using Impex | Next: 3.1 How Translation Libraries Work