2 Tone Game: Source Code


These notes are not complete. They are just a sparse outline. But if you send me questions, I'll fill in more information.

Spoiler Warning

This is the source code for a game with puzzles. If you look through the source code, you will see the answers to those puzzles. If you wanted the joy of solving those puzzles, beware of spoilers in:

Where? Here

(Recent versions of app engine aren't so happy with the original code, which uses old versions of everything. It's of interest mostly to the historian.)


The 2-Tone Game was a baroque web server. It administered a "puzzlehunt" game. It ran on top of Google App Engine. It was written in the Python programming language (plus some Javascript). There's also plenty of static web content, the game's puzzles.

(2015 Update: this Python web app version isn't running anymore.) It used an auth system, OpenID2.0 not widely supported as of 2015. So nowadays, it's just a simple pile of javascript that doesn't really try to keep track of how far you've progressed through the puzzles.

More about

Lessons Learned

I'm sharing this code as an example; but in many places, it's a bad example. This was a learn-as-you-go project. Example code should be exemplary; this code is not. Sorry about that. If I were starting a new such project, perhaps peeking at this project's code, some things I'd keep in mind:

Code "Organization": the Files


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