BANG H8 Puzzle #7

Just follow the instructions


Arrange the cards in a grid, with 3 equal columns
Place the 8 of diamonds where Florida would be, if the grid were a crude map of the US and north was towards the bottom
Cards may not be orthogonally adjacent to another card of the same color.
No row or column may contain both diamond and hearts
No row or column may contain more than one club or more than one spade.
Members of even pairs are always in the same row as each other, members of odd pairs are always in the same column as each other
In the top row, the first card is the sum of the second 2 cards.
Each club is diagonally adjacent to at least one other club
No card higher than a 5 is adjacent to (orthogonally or diagonally) to a numerically consecutive card


Chips are placed next to cards, never on them, and are part of rows, not columns
No row contains more than one chip of the same color, or more than 2 chips
No chips may be placed to the left of the first column
In a row, red always comes before blue, blue always comes before white
A blue chip will never have a diamond on its left, or a club on its right
A red chip will never be adjacent to a spade
A chip will never split a pair
If two horizontally adjacent cards are both odd, they must have a chip between them


Each row is to be considered separately
Consider blue chips a "*", red chips a "+" and white chips a "-"
In performing operations, always perform them from left to right (forget order of operations)

Hint: 801 Masonic Ave