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typedef ByteFlags FileAttrs;
#define FA_ARCHIVE						0x20
#define FA_SUBDIR 						0x10
#define FA_VOLUME 						0x8
#define FA_SYSTEM	 					0x4
#define FA_HIDDEN 						0x2
#define FA_RDONLY 						0x1
#define FILE_ATTR_NORMAL 						0

Every DOS or GEOS file has certain attributes. These attributes mark such things as whether the file is read-only. With GEOS files, the attributes can be accessed by using the extended attribute FEA_FILE_ATTR. You can also access any file's standard attributes with the routines FileGetAttributes() and FileSetAttributes(); these routines work for both GEOS files and plain DOS files.

The FileAttrs field contains the following bits:

This flag is set if the file requires backup. Backup programs typically clear this bit.
This flag is set if the "file" is actually a directory. Geodes may not change this flag.
This flag is set if the "file" is actually the volume label. This flag will be off for all files a geode will ever see. Geodes may not change this flag.
This flag is set if the file is a system file. Geodes should not change this bit.
This flag is set if the file is hidden.
This flag is set if the file is read-only.

See Also: FileGetAttributes(),FileSetAttributes().

Include: file.h


typedef struct {
word    	FCND_disk; 	/* Handle for disk on which change occurred */
FileID  	FCND_id;   	/* ID of affected file or containing dir,
				 * as appropriate to notification type */
FileLongName    FCND_name;	/* Name of file, if appropriate (FCNT_CREATE,
				 * FCNT_RENAME, and FCNT_OPEN only) */
} FileChangeNotificationData;



typedef ByteEnum FileChangeType;
#define FCT_CREATE				0
#define FCT_DELETE 				1
#define FCT_RENAME 				2
#define FCT_CONTENTS 				3
#define FCT_DISK_FORMAT 				4



typedef char FileCopyrightNotice[GFH_NOTICE_SIZE];



typedef WordFlags FileCreateFlags;
#define FCF_NATIVE				0x8000
#define FCF_MODE				0x0300 /* Filled with FILE_CREATE_* constant */
#define FCF_ACCESS				0x00ff /* Filled with FileAccessFlags */

The lower byte of this field is a FileAccessFlags record. This specifies the file's permissions and exclusions. Note that you must request write or read/write permission when you create a file. The upper byte specifies how the file should be created. It contains the following possible values:

If a file with the given name exists, it should be opened and truncated; that is, all data should be deleted.
If the file exists, it should be opened without being truncated.
If the file exists, the routine should fail and set the thread's error value to ERROR_FILE_EXISTS.
This flag is combined with one of the above flags if the file should be created in the device's native format; e.g. if it should be a DOS file instead of a GEOS file. The name passed must be an acceptable native file name. If a GEOS file with the specified name already exists, FileCreate() will fail with error condition ERROR_FILE_FORMAT_MISMATCH. Similarly, if the flag isn't set and a non-GEOS file with this name exists, FileCreate() will fail and return this error.

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