Tutorial Part 2 Source Code

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Here is the source code for the application discussed in this chapter. The source code is in two files:


# Permanent name: This is required by Glue to set the permanent name
# and extension of the geode. The permanent name of a library is what
# goes in the imported library table of a client geode (along with the
# protocol number). It is also what Swat uses to name the patient.
name     tutorial.app
# Long filename: this name can displayed by the system. "EC " is
# prepended to this when the error-checking version is linked by Glue.
longname "Tutorial Sample Application"
# Token: The four-letter name is used by the system to locate the
# icon for this application in the token database. The tokenid
# number corresponds to the manufacturer ID of the program's author
# for uniqueness of the token. Since this is a sample application, we
# use the manufacturer ID for the SDK, which is 8.
tokenchars "TUTO"
tokenid    8
# Specify geode type: This geode is an application, and will have
# its own process (thread).
type   appl, process, single
# Specify class name for application thread. Messages sent to the
# application thread (a.k.a. "process" when specified as the output
# of a UI object) will be handled by this process class.
class  TutorialProcessClass
# Specify application object. This is the object that serves as
# the top-level UI object in the application.
appobj TutorialApp
# Specify for which platform this application will be compiled.
# Glue uses this to make sure that the libraries we are using
# (listed below) are available for this platform.
# In this case, the specified platform is the Nokia 9000i Communicator
platform n9000v20
# Heapspace: This is roughly the non-discardable memory usage
# (in paragraphs (16 bytes/paragraph)) of the application and any
# transient libraries that it depends on, plus an additional
# amount for thread activity. To find the heapspace for an
# application, use the Swat "heapspace" command.
heapspace 3K
# Libraries: list which libraries are used by the application.
# The foam library is for the Nokia 9000i Communicator only.
library geos
library ui
library foam
# Resources: list all resource blocks which are used by the
# application whose allocation flags can't be inferred by Glue.
# Usually this is needed only for object blocks, fixed code
# resources, or data resources that are read-only. Standard
# discardable code resources do not need to be mentioned.
resource APPRESOURCE ui-object
resource INTERFACE   ui-object


 *		Include Files

@include <stdapp.goh>
@include <foam.goh>
 *		Class Definitions
	 * Here we define "TutorialProcessClass" as a subclass of the
	 * system provided "GenProcessClass". As this application is
	 * launched, an instance of this class will be created, and
	 * will handle all application-related events (messages). The
	 * application thread will be responsible for running this
	 * object, meaning that whenever this object handles a message,
	 * we will be executing in the application thread.
	 * You will find no object in this file declared to be of this
	 * class. Instead, it is specified as the class for the
	 * application thread in "tutorial.gp".

@class TutorialProcessClass, GenProcessClass;
	 * Define messages for this class here. Most commonly, UI
	 * objects will send these messages to the application thread
	 * when they've been activated by the user.

@endc; /* end of class definition */
 *		Class Declarations
	 * Each object class requires a "class record" be stored in
	 * fixed memory for it. The class record is used by the GEOS
	 * message system for the delivery of messages sent to an
	 * object of the class. The class record needs to be defined
	 * in the file where the objects of that class are defined.
	 * The @classdecl GOC directive tells GOC to create the class
	 * record here.
	 * The neverSaved flag is necessary because ProcessClass
	 * objects are hybrid objects. It tells the system that no
	 * object of this class will ever be loaded from or stored to
	 * a state file.

@classdecl TutorialProcessClass, neverSaved;
 *		UI Object Resources
 *		AppResource Resource

@start AppResource;
	*    Application Object
	* The very top-level generic object of an application MUST be
	* a GenApplication object. The tutorial.gp file contains the "appobj"
	* statement which indicates that this "TutorialApp" object is in
	* fact the top-level UI object.
	* This object should be in its own resource, as it is all that
	* need be in memory when the application is iconified. As such,
	* its resource should be as small as possible.
	* FoamSubApplicationClass is for the Nokia 9000i Communicator
	* only. It adds special behavior for that platform.

@object FoamSubApplicationClass TutorialApp = {

		 * While the application object isn't shown on the screen,
		 * it has a list of VisMonikers for three purposes:
		 *   1) The GenPrimary (see below) inherits the moniker
		 *      when it comes up on screen.
		 *   2) When GeoManager needs to display an icon for the
		 *      application, and there's none for it in the Token
		 *      Database, it launches the app and sends a message
		 *      to the application object to install its list of
		 *      monikers in the token database under the
		 *      application's token.
		 *   3) When the GenPrimary is minimized, it uses the most
		 *      appropriate graphical moniker from this list for the
		 *      application's icon. If there's an abbreviated-text
		 *      moniker in the list, that's used as the icon title.
		 *      Else any regular-text moniker is used.
	GI_visMoniker = list { @TutorialTextMoniker };
		 * The GenApplication object has at least one child:
		 * the main application window.
	GI_comp = @TutorialPrimary;
		 * The main window should appear on-screen when the application
		 * is launched, so place it on the GAGCNLT_WINDOWS GCN list.
		 * This causes the application object to bring it on-screen at
		 * the appropriate time.
@visMoniker TutorialTextMoniker = "My Tutorial";
@localize "Program Title";
@end AppResource;
 *		Interface Resource
 * This resource is for miscellaneous UI objects.
@start Interface;
	 *    Primary window
	 * Every application has at least one GenPrimary object.
	 * This object serves as the main window of the application.
	 * Inside this window, various UI components, such as menus
	 * or lists, can be placed.

@object GenPrimaryClass TutorialPrimary  = {
		 * This window has two children:
		 * the GenView object and the Close button (see below).
	GI_comp = @TutorialView, @TutorialCloseTrigger;
	 *    GenView object
	 * This GenView object creates a window where the application can
	 * display portions of the document as necessary. As we want this
	 * window to be scrollable, the specific UI will create scroll
	 * bars with which the user can interact. Whenever a portion of
	 * the window needs to be redrawn, the GenView object will
	 * invalidate a portion of the window, causing a MSG_META_EXPOSED
	 * to be sent to the application. The application will draw the
	 * document into the window as requested. The window keeps track
	 * of a mask, which is used to clip the application's drawing
	 * operations, so that only the invalid portion of the window is
	 * drawn to.
@object GenViewClass TutorialView = {

		 * Make sure the view never gets larger
		 * than the thing being displayed within it.
	GVI_horizAttrs = @default | GVDA_NO_LARGER_THAN_CONTENT;
	GVI_vertAttrs = @default | GVDA_NO_LARGER_THAN_CONTENT;

		 * When the contents of this view (i.e. the document) must be
		 * updated, the UI should send a MSG_META_EXPOSED to the
		 * TutorialProcessClass object.
	GVI_content = process;
	 *    Close trigger
	 * On certain systems we should provide a way to exit the
	 * application. On the Nokia 9000i Communicator we have a
	 * close trigger like this one.
@object ComplexMonikerClass TutorialCloseTrigger = {

	ComplexMoniker = GenTriggerClass;
	CMI_topText = CMT_CLOSE;

		 * The next two instance fields are part of the
		 * GenTriggerClass. They specify the recipient object
		 * and the message that will be sent to that object
		 * when this trigger is activated.
	GTI_destination = @TutorialApp;

		 * The specific UI uses this combination of hints
		 * to place this trigger on the right side of the
		 * Nokia 9000i Communicator's screen.
@end Interface;

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