Coding Conventions:
Table of Contents
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Standardization is Important
It helps if the standard annoys everyone in some way so everyone feels
they are on the same playing field. The proposal here has evolved over
many years and projects, and literally a total of many weeks spent arguing.
It is no particular person's style and is certainly open to debate.
So why standardize at all?
Good Points
When a project tries to adhere to common standards a few good things happen:
programmers can go into any code and figure out
what's going on
new people can get up to speed quickly
people new to C++ are spared the need to develop
a personal style and defend it to the death
people new to C++ are spared making the same mistakes
over and over again
people make fewer mistakes in consistent environments
programmers have a common enemy :-)
Bad Points
Now the bad:
the standard is usually stupid because it was
made by someone who doesn't understand C++
the standard is usually stupid because it's not
what I do
standards reduce creativity
standards are unnecessary as long as people are
standards enforce too much structure
people ignore standards anyway
The experience of many projects leads to the conclusion that using coding
standards makes the project go smoother. Are standards necessary for success?
Of course not. But they help, and we need all the help we can get! Be honest,
most arguments against a particular standard come from the ego. Few decisions
in a reasonable standard really can be said to be technically deficient,
just matters of taste. So be flexible, control the ego a bit, and remember
any project is fundamentally a team effort.
The use of the word shall or must in this document implies
compliance with the standard is mandatory.
The absence of the word shall or must constitutes a suggestion
and not a mandatory standard. In particular, the word should does
not mean mandatory compliance is necessary.
Standards Enforcement
First, any serious concerns about the standard should be brought up and
worked out within the group. Maybe the standard is not quite appropriate
for your situation, it may have over looked important issues, or maybe
someone in power vehemently disagrees with certain issues :-)
In any case, once finalized hopefully people will play the adult and
understand that this standard is reasonable, and has been found reasonable
by many other programmers, and therefore is worthy of being followed even
with personal reservations.
Failing willing cooperation it can be made a requirement that this standard
must be followed to pass a code inspection.
Failing that the only solution is a massive tickling party on the offending
Justifications, ideas and sometimes huge blocks of text were taken from
the following documents to varying degrees:
"PC/GEOS Coding Conventions" by Adam de Boor.
"Sprite Engineering Manual" by John Ousterhout.
"Glunix Programming Style Document" by Douglas Ghormley and Amin Vahdat.
Coding Standard by
The comp.lang.c++ FAQ.
The Ellemtel coding guidelines.