;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Geoworks (R) application software and GEOS (R) operating system ;; software copyright (C) 1990-1998 Geoworks. All rights reserved. ;; United States Patents 5327529, 5237651, and 5438662. U.K. Patents ;; 0375703 and 0631677. German Patents P3854269.2-08 and ;; 69307728.1-08. French Patents 0375703 and 0631677. Other ;; international patents pending. ;; ;; This software is the confidential and proprietary information of ;; Geoworks ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose ;; such Confidential Information and shall use it only in accordance ;; with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with ;; Geoworks. ;; ;; PROJECT: GEOS_SC Documentation ;; MODULE: Flex UI Chapter ;; FILE: notepad2.h ;; ;; VERSION: 2.0 ;; ;; DESCRIPTION: ;; ;; An notepad application that uses a menu to perform file operations ;; and allows the user to select files from a list. ;; ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .prefix NOTEPAD2APP ERROR "Unable to access file."; APP_TEXT "Notepad2 Application"; FILE_MENU_TEXT "File"; SAVE_DIALOG_TEXT "Save File..."; OPEN_DIALOG_TEXT "Open File...";