Class FlexVerticalPanel

GEOS-SC:  Library toolkit_lib: Class FlexVerticalPanel

The FlexVerticalPanel comes with a default VerticalFlowLayout layout manager. The application does not have to worry about tracking and destroying the default layout manager.

#include <toolkit/panel.h>

Class Data and Methods

// FlexVerticalPanel members
FlexVerticalPanel(WinCoord gap, VerticalFlowLayout::Y_Justify yjustify , LayoutManagerInterface::X_Align align , VerticalFlowLayout::X_Justify xjustify );

Inherited Data and Methods:

// FlexComponent members
enum HorizontalSizePreference;
enum VerticalSizePreference;
Result AddComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);
void AddNotify(void);
Boolean Contains(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);
Boolean Contains(WinXYPoint& point);
void DelayedDelete(void);
void DoLayout(void);
Colorant GetBackground(void);
WinRectangle GetBounds(void) const;
FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, Boolean visibleOnly );
FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinXYPoint& point, Boolean visibleOnly );
Colorant GetForeground(void);
FlexComponentID GetID(void);
WinXYPoint GetLocation(void);
Dimension GetMinimumSize(void);
FlexContainer *GetParent(void) const;
FlexWindow *GetFlexWindowAncestor(void);
Dimension GetPreferredSize(void);
Dimension GetSize(void) const;
void GetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference &horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference &verticalSizePref);
void Invalidate(void);
Boolean IsEnabled(void) const;
Boolean IsFocusTraversable(void);
Boolean IsShowing(void) const;
Boolean IsGeometryValid(void) const;
Boolean IsVisible(void) const;
void Paint(void);
void RemoveComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveNotify(void);
void Repaint(void);
void Repaint(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void RequestFocus(void);
Result SetBackground(Colorant color);
void SetBounds(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void SetBounds(WinRectangle& rect);
void SetEnabled(Boolean enable);
Result SetForeground(Colorant color);
void SetID(FlexComponentID id);
void SetLocation(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);
void SetLocation(const WinXYPoint& point);
void SetSize(const Dimension& dimension);
void SetSize(uint16 width, uint16 height);
void SetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference verticalSizePref);
Result SetVisible(Boolean visible);
void TransferFocus(void);
void Update(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void Validate(void);
// Event processing methods
void ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent& actionEvent);
void ProcessComponentEvent(ComponentEvent& componentEvent);
void ProcessFocusEvent(FocusEvent& focusEvent);
void ProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent& keyEvent);
void ProcessMouseEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);
void ProcessMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);
// Graphical rendering methods
void *CopyArea(const WinRectangle *bounds) const;
WinCoord FontMetric( FontMetricInfo info, const TextState& textState ) const;
void BrushLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineCOlor, WinCoord penWidth );
void DrawLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineColor );
void DrawHLine( WinCoord xStart, WinCoord xEnd, WinCoord yCoord, Colorant lineColor );
void DrawVLine( WinCoord xCoord, WinCoord yStart, WinCoord yEnd, Colorant lineColor);
void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft, Colorant color);
void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft);
void DrawPoint( WinCoord xPos, WinCoord yPos, Colorant dotColor );
void DrawPoint( WinXYPoint point, Colorant dotColor );
void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], TextState& textState );
void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, TextState& textState );
void DrawUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, Colorant fgColor, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );
void InvertUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );
void FillRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner, Colorant fillColor );
void InvertRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner );
void InvertLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2 );
void InvertLine( WinCoord x1, WinCoord y1, WinCoord x2, WinCoord y2 );
void SetClipRect( const WinXYPoint& clipUpLeft, const WinXYPoint& clipLowRight );
void ClearClipRect(void);
void Render(Renderer& renderer);
WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], const TextState& textState ) const;
WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, const TextState& textState ) const;
// FlexContainer members
Result Add(FlexComponent *child);
Result Add(FlexComponent *child, uint32 position);
Result Add(LayoutTagType tag, FlexComponent *child);
Result AddContainerListener(ContainerListenerInterface& listener);
uint32 FindFlexComponent(FlexComponent *child);
FlexComponent *GetFlexComponent(uint32 position);
FlexComponent *GetFlexComponent(uint32 position, LayoutTagType& tag);
uint32 GetFlexComponentCount(void);
FlexComponent** GetFlexComponents(void);
FocusManagerInterface *GetFocusManager(void);
LayoutManagerInterface *GetLayout(void);
LayoutTagType GetLayoutTag(uint32 position);
Insets GetInsets(void);
Result GetRelativeBounds(FlexComponent *descendant, WinRectangle &bounds);
Result GetRelativeLocation(FlexComponent *descendant, WinXYPoint point, WinXYPoint &location);
Boolean IsAncestorOf(FlexComponent *child);
FlexComponent *Remove(FlexComponent *child);
FlexComponent *Remove(uint32 position);
void RemoveAll(void);
void RemoveContainerListener(ContainerListenerInterface& listener);
FocusManagerInterface *RemoveFocusManager(void);
LayoutManagerInterface *RemoveLayout(void);
void SetFocusManager(FocusManagerInterface *focusManager);
void SetLayout(LayoutManagerInterface *layoutManager);
void SetLayoutTag(LayoutTagType tag, uint32 position);
// Event processing methods
void ProcessContainerEvent(ContainerEvent& containerEvent);
EC (static void EnsureInAppThread(void));

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Inheritance tree for FlexVerticalPanel, in the order of the most derived to the most ancestral base class:

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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Descriptions of Class Data and Methods


Sets the layout to the default layout.



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FlexVerticalPanel(WinCoord gap, VerticalFlowLayout::Y_Justify yjustify , LayoutManagerInterface::X_Align align , VerticalFlowLayout::X_Justify xjustify );

Sets the layout to the default layout and initializes it to the specified parameters.


in gap
Space to put between components.
in yjustify
Vertical justification of components.
in align
Horizontal alignment of components.
in xjustify
Horizontal justification of components.


    FlexVerticalPanel(WinCoord  gap,
              VerticalFlowLayout::Y_Justify   yjustify = 
              LayoutManagerInterface::X_Align    align = 
                      VerticalFlowLayout::X_Justify   xjustify = 

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Removes and deletes the built-in layout manager.


    virtual ~FlexVerticalPanel();

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Generated from source by Geoworks on Sat Dec 12 18:32:06 1998 .