: New: Puzzle Hunts are Everywhen: That Article that mentions Sondheim's 1968 Hallowe'en Hunt

A while back, the Puzzalot blog had an interesting article on Sondheim's 1968 Hallowe'en puzzle hunt. There was a lot of information there, most of which didn't come from this article by Allan Brien. The article doesn't say much, but I'll post it anyhow. I was having trouble finding it where I'd buried it on my machine; but if I post it out on teh internets then the search engines will help me keep track of it. The article mentions a little about the hunt and also mentions a boardgame featuring celebrity gossip, reminiscent of a plot point from "The Last of Sheila". Anyhow, I posted the article so now you can read the whole thing.

Tags: puzzle scene entertainment industry

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