: New: Dr Who's Martians as Puzzle Designers #badpuzzles

Cramming for the Doctor When game, I watch Doctor Who. The Pyramids of Mars arc aims at being puzzle-huntish... kind of... Towards the end, there's a Martian stronghold guarding a treasure chamber; to get through the four layers of gates leading to the chamber requires solving puzzles, including a knights/knaves puzzle you might encounter in Baby's First Logic Puzzles.

What's that you say? They were Osirians? Osirians, Martians, whatever.

Also, a suspcious cryptogram solve. Our heroes are on Earth and detect radio signals from Mars. The Doctor notes that one type of pulse is the most common, "Let's call that E." Next scene, he's finished the decoding and has the message BEWARE SUTEKH. This warns our heroes that they're about to encounter a galactic-power-level baddie named "Sutekh". Silly me, if I'd seen that cryptogram, I wouldn't have said "And of course the second word is SUTEKH." I probably would have guessed BECOME FRIEND, which has the same cryptographic pattern. And I would have greeted Sutekh with open arms, bellowed "Comrade!" and been blasted to smithereens. Why did the Martians send such a short message if they really wanted to be understood? Who's running this puzzlehunt? Didn't they playtest at all?

Tags: puzzle scene interspecies diplomacy

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