Part of a 2-Tone Game puzzle used to be something like, "Look south-by-southwest for an easily recognizable post; on the sidewalk beneath it is a quote; the letters on the corners of the quote form a word; what's the word?" A few weeks back, part of the 2-Tone Game got knocked over; the easily-spotted post became a cement support with bolts sticking out. So the puzzle-piece changed to something like "Go south-by-southeast until you reach the sidewalk; look for a quote on the sidewalk; the letters on the corners of the quote form a word; what's the word?"
Today, I disembarked from the Sausalito ferry, checked on the spot... and there was just a blank square of sidewalk there. The cement support was gone, the quote was gone. So I tweaked the puzzle-piece again to tell folks to look for something else. But the new thing doesn't have that satisfying wordplay. It's too bad; that post looked pretty permanent; but it turned out not so much.