Careful, this this book has a not-so-hidden agenda. It turns out that you can come up with a decent financial plan without a financial advisor. This book, along the way of telling you how to interview an advisor, will teach you enough to come up with such a decent plan. You'll probably overlook the next big fad in investment… probably wouldn't understand it even if you saw it… but most of those turn out to be not-so-great, anyhow. Disclosure: I've known Piaw for, wow, decades. I read an early draft of this book. Whenever there was something in it I didn't follow, I asked for more explanation. The final draft is clear to me, but your mileage might vary. Oh yeah, and I haven't actually tried interviewing a financial advisor based on the advice in this book. Hmm, maybe if things get slow around the table at Thanksgiving dinner I can try out some of these questions on my cousin. Hmm, actually they probably wouldn't liven up the discussion so much, never mind.
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