: New:

The friendfeed social networking site is going away. My best experience on a public social network was a few months on friendfeed. But that was years ago, before they got acquired by Facebook and folks lost interest.

One thing that was nice about friendfeed is that you could "export" your activity as a feed. Since friendfeed could "import" your blog posts, tweets, and more stuff, it provided a handy feed of all your activity. I used that feed on my website to show what I was up to. But that's going away.

So, the right-hand margin of my blog page will no longer show that feed. Which is probably OK, seeing as how for some years, the only stuff getting imported into my friendfeed feed was my blog posts anyhow. And my home page will just show recent blog posts instead of recent friendfeed items. Which is probably OK, seeing as how for some years, that's been the same thing anyhow.

Yay, an excuse to do some coding.

Tags: social networks site

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