: New: LJ People: Do Not Be Alarmed

On LiveJournal, I have a new account, lahoskensf. And I'm going to friend you and you and you and you…

Why a new account, you ask? My lahosken.san-francisco.ca.us account was OpenID-based, backed by Google using an oooold method, uh-oh. Google's going to stop supporting that in a few weeks. I tried setting up the new method, but either I messed it up or one of Google/LJ don't support delegating using the new method or or or or well something's not working.)

I'm hoping that the new account will work better than the old one. At some point, the old one stopped being able to post comments on friends-locked LJ posts. And since reading friends-locked LJ posts is pretty much the only reason I have an LJ account, that rankled.

(Meanwhile, the http://lahosken.livejournal.com/ syndication of my blog is still chugging along. But that's not my user account. That's just some automated syndication thingie. I can't use that to read friends-locked posts and/or comment on them. If only.)

Tags: social networks

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