Elementary School of Fish: The Next Puzzle

Location Lawrence Hall of Science Parking Lot Start Code: COUNT

...thus we were still working on the previous puzzle, not realizing that we'd solved it. FIRED wasn't just the answer to a mini-puzzle, it was the over-all answer. Or else it was the answer to the last mini-puzzle. Anyhow, the PDA had moved on to the next puzzle. To be precise, the PDA went nuts. It was saying something about a countdown, about Zorg trying to blow us up. Dwight was still composing a rap. Brian was wondering what was wrong with the PDA. Had he broken it by entering a clue that was too far ahead? Once every few seconds, another strange message would come along.

Eventually, we figured out that we were in a new puzzle. We started to look back at the messages that had come in. Each of them mentioned a pair of terms. Towards the end, they strongly hinted that these pairs were references to verses in the song The Twelve Days of Christmas. Basically, by the time we realized we were in a new puzzle, the hints were telling us how to solve that puzzle.

Brian entered the answer: TRUE LOVE

The PDA ceased its abnormal alerts. Perhaps it went to far in the direction of normality: it told us to drive to Walnut Creek.


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