Bang 7: Bonus Puzzle

Truth? Or Fake?

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[G]ORD is a contraction of the word "Orchard."

[E]Margaret Dumont had the nickname "Daisy."

[H]The Leaning Tower of Pisa leaned north during its first five years of construction.

[AL]William Faulkner was actually board with the name "Falkner."

[SN]Ketchup can dissolve aluminum foil.

[SL]The first pinball machine to have flippers had six of them.

[PH]The solution to this puzzle involves Morse code.

[G]San Francisco, CA and Santa Fe, NM are named after the same Catholic saint.

[E]The lyrics to the song "Louie Louie" were deliberately written to be meaningless.

[H]The astronomer Tycho Brahe wore an artificial nose.

[AL]"CGMBPY FKWVXJ QZ" are the next three columns on the linotype machines used to typeset text, after "ETAOIN SHRDLU."

[SN]The Coriolis effect causes water to drain clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

[SL]The "G"s in "G-spot" and "G-string" stand for the same word.

[PH]Exactly half the statements in each category are fake.

[G]On a per-acre basis, the Louisiana Purchase was cheaper than Alaska.

[E]The purpose of clapping the clapboard used during filming a movie is so that the cast and crew can be alerted to the scene starting.

[H]Queen Elizabeth II and her son Prince Charles share the same surname.

[AL]Although reviews of the premiere of Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring were bad, the audience was reasonably well-behaved.

[SN]The world's largest rodent species averages 100 pounds in weight and can weigh as much as 175 pounds.

[SL]All major league ballparks have home plate in the southwest corner.

[PH]These categories should be taken in order, from top to bottom.

[G]Kaskaskia, IL, is on the east bank of the Mississippi River.

[E]The "Scooby-Doo" characters were inspired by the sitcom "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis."

[H]The tune for "The Star-Spangled Banner" was taken from an 18th century drinking song.

[AL]The word "tycoon" is one of the few English words to come directly from Chinese.

[SN]Most American homes do not have the wiring infrastructure to support 240-volt appliances.

[SL]Fig Newtons were named after Sir Isaac Newton.

[PH]Each category encodes at least two letters in the message.

[G]The verb "to orient" has its origins in the fact that in medieval times it was common to have east pointing upwards on maps.

[E]A large proportion of the cast and crew of the 1950s film "The Conqueror" contracted cancer, suspected to be from nuclear fallout from the filming location.

[H]Chinese water torture was used by the ancient Chinese.

[AL]There is a notational system for human movement that is used by choreographers to record modern dance.

[SN]In the 1970s, most TV remote controls worked by ultrasound.

[SL]The name "pigskin" for a football originated as a euphemism for "pig's bladder skin."

[PH]All trivia on these cards can be verified within one WWW domain.

[G]Delaware has more miles of U.S. Interstate than Hawaii.

[E]Bulldogs are so named because they were bred to look like a bull.

[H]Julius Caesar was born by cesarean section.

[AL]"The Hound of the Baskervilles" was written after the story in which Sherlock Holmes dies but before the story in which he is resurrected.

[SN]Women have fewer ribs than men.

[SL]The phrase "ain't over until the fat lady sings" was coined in the 1970s by an American sportswriter.

[PH]A fake statement corresponds to the presence of a dot in the code.


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