Comment from 'Lene 2005 Aug 15

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From: 'Lene
Date: 2005 Aug 15
Subj: twaidy (New Zealand dialect)

I had a flashback to a student-hating middle school teacher when I read this. She gave us an assignment: it was to translate the following into English: "Mairzey doats 'n' dozey doats 'n' liddlelamzeydivey, akiddlydivey too, wouldn't you?"

I thought there was something wrong with her (which, it was later proven, there was, but that's not relevant to this discussion). Finally, someone told me it already WAS in English. And that the first word was... Mares. oats?


This same teacher later made us make massive construction paper collages using only whole punch dots.

Did I mention that she hated us?

I enjoyed your NZ report. I especially loved the bug poop comments. I will now use this information to 'double dog dare' a friend traveling in SE Asia to be even bolder in her, um, tasting experiments.

who remembers that "surf ski" (narrow, open kayak) mis/adventure vividly and got lots of (unearned) cred with a sea kayak instructor for having tried that on the open ocean

What song was ever so horrific as Mairzy Doats?
