Comment from Mary G. Caves 2011 Nov 16

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From: Mary G. Caves
Date: 2011 Nov 16
Subj: RE: Dr Hubertus Strughold

I knew Dr Strughold at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas. By the time I became acquainted with Dr Strughold, he'd retired but still spent his days at the base. I thihk the censorship by the Anti-Defamation League is reprehensible. Since when do we allow any organization to censor our programs? As far as I know, no PROOF has been found of Dr Strughold's guilt; thus, it's censorship by hearsay! Since when do we go on a witch hunt and convict people based on hearsay? Like others. I think he's been found guilty by association. Dr Stughold did not, as far as I know, belong to the Nazi party. He was invited to join but refused, according to his story!

Mary G. Caves

If there's a silver lining, I guess it's that people agree he was a class act after he came to the USA.
