I didn't know that you wrote poetry
the Smiths
- The MegaBrööce Songbook
- Triple haiku from the point of view of an electronic Barbie doll
- Doggerel for the Mirror Project
- April is National Poetry Month
- Two Odes to Pho
- A Japanese Couplet:
- An Unpleasant Poem involving puking, shitting, and Sherlock Holmes
- Theme Song of the Knights of the Small Round Table
- A Wedding Sonnet
- Multiple Works about Yuban and Hayward, California
- Ode to Perl:
My script, my script, my script is done
And now to write another one.
- Unknowing Variation on a theme by Waits
- Painful Variation on a theme by Williams
- Contribution
to a haiku
slashdot thread
criticizing the poor Latin
in an article about an anti-spam product:
Spam delenda est.
Omni haiku divisi
sunt in partes tres.
- Poem About Marfan Syndrome:
My heart, my heart, my heart, my heart;
Will it tear it-self a-part?
- Zip, a poem which doesn't rhyme.
- A Spenserian stanza about a domestic event.
- Cross, which is judgmental