Larry Hosken: Manual Labors

"In just such a Gehenna of links, I forged my vocation."

"A Wet Night", Samuel Becket

I'm a technical writer. Here are some examples of projects I've participated in:

Google App Engine
Google App Engine is a web app platform; developers write apps to special APIs, then upload those apps to Google's servers. I worked with a group of writers. The excerpt I copied here describes NDB, a storage API. Guido van Rossum wrote the original "Beta" doc. I rewrote to explain some tricky parts, fill in some assumed knowledge, and match the house style. I edited the docs based on peer feedback and some questions on Stack Overflow. In this doc subset, Red text indicates a link to a page I left out.
Openwave Phone Suite Version 7.0
OS-like platform service for smartphones. The excerpt I copied here describes an API for handling low-memory problems.
GEOS-SC was an operating system for devices like smartphones and car navigation systems. It had a software development kit with documentation in English and Japanese. I've put up a small subset of the documentation here. Red text indicates a link to a page I left out of the subset.
GEOS was an operating system for IBM PCs. It had a software development kit featuring documentation and C front ends for its IBM assembly API. I've put up a small subset of the documentation here. Red text indicates a link to a page I left out of the subset.
SPAM (the Simply Perfect Answering Machine) was a project for a Digital Circuit Design class. Part of the assignment was to write up design notes, user documentation, and a parts cost worksheet. This isn't so much an example of good documentation as a cautionary example: this is what happens if you try to write all your documentation in an all-nighter right before deadline.