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DataStoreError	DataStoreCreate(
        DataStoreCreateParams			*paramsPtr,
        word			dsToken);

Creates a new datastore, opens a session to it and writes the session token to dsToken . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful). Takes the following arguments:

Pointer to a DataStoreCreateParams structure. DSCP_name contains the name of the datastore. You can pass DSF_PRIVATE, DSF_TIMESTAMP and/or DSF_NO_PRIMARY_KEY to DSCP_flags. DSCP_keyList and DSCP_keyCount contain the list and number of key field(s), respectively. Specify the object to receive notification of datastore changes in DSCP_notifObject .
		typedef struct {
			TCHAR			*DSCP_name;
			DataStoreFlags			DSCP_flags;
			FieldDescriptor			*DSCP_keyList;
			word			DSCP_keyCount;
			optr			DSCP_notifObject;
		} DataStoreCreateParams;
Session token to the opened datastore.

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreDelete(
        TCHAR		*dsNamePtr);

Deletes the named datastore if no other application(s) has(have) it open. Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreStructureError	DataStoreDeleteField(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        TCHAR		*fieldNamePtr,
        FieldID		fieldID);

Deletes the passed field from the datastore. Returns a DataStoreStructureError value (DSSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

You can reference a field by its name or FieldID . If referencing by name, pass "0" in fieldID ; if referencing by FieldID , pass NULL in fieldNamePtr .

Warnings: Cannot delete key fields.

Cannot delete a field if an application has locked any record in the datastore (will return DSSE_ACCESS_DENIED).

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreRemoveFieldFromRecord().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreDeleteRecord(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordID		recordID);

Deletes the passed record (referenced by its RecordID ) and flushes it from the record buffer if it is the current record. Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: Cannot delete a record that has been locked or loaded into memory (will return DSDE_RECORD_IN_USE).

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreDeleteRecordNum().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreDeleteRecordNum(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordNum		recordNum);

Deletes the passed record (referenced by its RecordNum ) and flushes it from the record buffer if it is the current record. Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: Cannot delete a record that has been locked or loaded into memory (will return DSDE_RECORD_IN_USE).

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreDeleteRecord().

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