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DataStoreDataError	DataStoreGetFieldChunk(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        TCHAR		*fieldNamePtr,
        FieldID		fieldID,
        MemHandle		blockHan,
        ChunkHandle		*chunkHanPtr,
        word		*dataSizePtr);

Writes contents of the passed field to a chunk in the passed block. If chunkHanPtr is NULL, allocates a chunk and writes its handle to chunkHanPtr . If chunkHanPtr is not NULL dataSizePtrand field data exceeds chunk size, resizes the chunk and writes the number of bytes copied to dataSizePtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

If referencing field by name, pass "0" in fieldID ; if referencing field by FieldID , pass NULL in fieldNamePtr .

Warnings: If the passed field is not present, writes "0" to dataSizePtr and returns DSDE_NO_ERROR.

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreGetField().


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetFieldCount(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        word		*fieldCountPtr);

Writes the number of fields defined for this datastore to fieldCountPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreGetRecordCount().


DataStoreStructureError	DataStoreGetFieldInfo(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        FieldDescriptor		*fieldDescPtr,
        FieldID		fieldID,
        word		fieldNameSize);

Writes FieldDescriptor for passed field to fieldDescPtr. For FD_name , writes fieldNameSize bytes only; pass "0" (and set FD_name to NULL) if you don't need the field name. Returns a DataStoreStructureError value (DSSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreGetFieldPtr(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordHeader		*recordPtr,
        FieldID		fieldID,
        void		**fieldContentPtrPtr,
        FieldType		*fieldTypePtr,
        word		*fieldSizePtr);

Gets a pointer to the field specified by fieldID . Writes the field's content to fieldContentPtrPtr , its FieldType to fieldTypePtr , and its size to fieldSizePtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreGetFieldSize(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        TCHAR		*fieldNamePtr,
        FieldID		fieldID,
        word		*fieldSizePtr);

Writes the number of bytes in the passed field to fieldSizePtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

If referencing field by name, pass "0" in fieldID ; if referencing field by FieldID , pass NULL in fieldNamePtr .

Warnings: If the field is not present, writes "0" to fieldSizePtr and returns DSDE_NO_ERROR.

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetFlags(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        DataStoreFlags		*FlagPtr);

Writes the DataStoreFlags set for this datastore to flagPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetNextRecordID(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordID		*nextIDPtr);

Writes the next RecordID to be assigned to nextIDPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreGetNumFields(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        word		*fieldCountPtr);

Writes the number of fields in the current record to fieldCountPtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetOwner(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        GeodeToken		*tokenPtr);

Writes the GeodeToken of the application that created the datastore to tokenPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h

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