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DataStoreError	DataStoreGetRecordCount(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        dword		*RecordCountPtr);

Writes the number of records in the datastore to recordCountPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: Does not count new records that have not yet been saved.

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreGetFieldCount().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreGetRecordID(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordID		*recordIDPtr);

Writes the RecordID of the current record to recordIDPtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: If no record is loaded, returns DSDE_RECORD_BUFFER_EMPTY.

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetTimeStamp(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        FileDateAndTime		*timestampPtr);

Writes the date and time that the datastore was last modified to timestampPtr . Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreError	DataStoreGetVersion(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        ProtocolNumber		*versionPtr);

Writes the protocol number of the datastore to versionPtr . (Protocol numbers are useful for keeping track of different versions of a datastore.) Returns a DataStoreError value (DSE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreLoadRecord(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordID		recordID,
        RecordNum		*recordNumPtr);

Loads the record referenced by recordID into memory and makes it the current record. Writes the RecordNum of the loaded record to recordNumPtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: Returns DSDE_RECORD_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY if there is already a record loaded in the session's record buffer.

Returns DSDE_INVALID_RECORD_NUMBER if there is no such record.

Returns DSDE_RECORD_IN_USE if another session has already locked the record.

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreLoadRecordNum().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreLoadRecordNum(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordNum		recordNum,
        RecordID		*recordIDPtr);

Loads the record referenced by recordNum into memory and makes it the current record. Writes the RecordID of the loaded record to recordIDPtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Warnings: Returns DSDE_RECORD_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY if there is already a record loaded in the session's record buffer.

Returns DSDE_INVALID_RECORD_NUMBER if there is no such record.

Returns DSDE_RECORD_IN_USE if another session has already locked the record.

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreLoadRecord().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreLockRecord(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordHeader		**recordPtrPtr);

Locks the current record. Used primarily when calling DataStoreFieldEnum(). Also used when calling DataStoreGetFieldPtr(). Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Be Sure To: Unlock the locked record with DataStoreUnlockRecord() when you are through with the record.

Warnings: Returns DSDE_RECORD_BUFFER_EMPTY if there is no record loaded in the buffer.

Include: datastor.h

See Also: DataStoreUnlockRecord().


DataStoreDataError	DataStoreMapRecordNumToID(
        word		dsToken,	/* session token to opened datastore */
        RecordNum		recordNum,
        RecordID		*recordIDPtr);

Writes the RecordID corresponding to the passed RecordNum to recordIDPtr . Returns a DataStoreDataError value (DSDE_NO_ERROR if successful).

Include: datastor.h

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