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DBItem	DBAlloc(
        VMFileHandle		file,		
        DBGroup		group,
        word		size);

This routine allocates an item in the specified file and group. It is passed the handles for the file and group which will contain the new item. It returns the new item's item-handle.

Warnings: All pointers to items in the group may be invalidated.

Include: dbase.h

See Also: DBAllocUngrouped().


DBGroupAndItem 	DBAllocUngrouped(
        VMFileHandle		file,			
        word		size);

This routine allocates an ungrouped item in the specified file. It is passed the handle of the file which will contain the new item. It returns the item's DBGroupAndItem value.

Warnings: All pointers to ungrouped items may be invalidated.

Include: dbase.h

See Also: DBAlloc().


DBGroupAndItem 	DBCombineGroupAndItem(
        DBGroup 		group,
        DBItem 		item);

This macro combines group and item handles into a dword-sized DBGroupAndItem value.

Include: dbase.h

See Also: DBGroupFromGroupAndItem(),DBItemFromGroupAndItem().


DBItem 	DBCopyDBItem(
        VMFileHandle		srcFile,				
        DBGroup		srcGroup,
        DBItem		srcItem,
        VMFileHandle		destFile,				
        DBGroup		destGroup);

This routine makes a duplicate of a DB item in the specified DB file and group. It is passed the file handle, group handle, and item handle of the source item, as well as the file handle and group handle of the destination group. It makes a copy of the DB item and returns its DBItem handle.

Warnings: All pointers to items in the destination group may be invalidated.

Include: dbase.h

See Also: VMCopyVMChain().


DBGroupAndItem 	DBCopyDBItemUngrouped(
        VMFileHandle		srcFile,				
        DBGroupAndItem		srcID,				/* source item */
        VMFileHandle		destFile);				

This routine makes a duplicate of a specified DB item. It is passed the file handle and DBGroupAndItem value specifying the source item, and the file handle of the destination file. It allocates the item as an ungrouped item in the specified file and returns its DBGroupAndItem value.

Tips and Tricks: If the source item is not ungrouped, you can combine the group and item handles into a DBGroupAndItem value by calling the macro DBCombineGroupAndItem().

Warnings: All pointers to ungrouped items in the destination file may be invalidated.

Include: dbase.h

See Also: VMCopyVMChain().


void	DBDeleteAt(
        VMFileHandle		file,			
        DBGroup		group,
        DBItem		item,
        word		deleteOffset,
        word		deleteCount);

This routine deletes a sequence of bytes from within an item. It does not invalidate pointers to other items. The routine is passed the file, group, and item handles specifying the item, as well as an offset within the item and a number of bytes to delete. It will delete the specified number of bytes from within the item, starting with the byte at the specified offset.

Include: dbase.h


void	DBDeleteAtUngrouped(
        VMFileHandle		file,				
        DBGroupAndItem		id,
        word		deleteOffset,
        word		deleteCount);

This routine is just like DBDeleteAt(), except it is passed a DBGroupAndItem value instead of separate group and item handles. It does not invalidate pointers to other items.

Include: dbase.h

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