This is a snapshot of the documentation for AppEngine NDB. If you want to read old, possibly obsolete documentation, feel free!

Google App Engine

NDB Future Class

A Future represents the result of an asynchronous operation. When created, it probably doesn't have any result data. When the operation finishes, the Future gets the result. An application can call a Future object's get_result() method; if the result has arrived, the method returns it; otherwise, it waits for the result to arrive and then returns it.

Instance Methods

Check to see if the operation succeeded. Waits if necessary. Raises an exception if there was a problem; returns None if there was no problem.
Returns True if the result (or exception) has arrived; otherwise, returns False. This function does not wait.
Waits if necessary; then returns the exception (or None if there was no exception). Returns the exception, doesn't raise it.
Waits if necessary; then returns the result or raises the exception.
Waits if necessary; then returns the exception's traceback object (or None if there was no traceback object). Python's traceback module has functions to print and work with traceback objects.
Waits until a result or exception arrives. Always returns None.

Class Methods

Wait until all Futures in the passed list are done.


List of Future objects.

Returns None.

Wait until at least one of a list of Futures is done.


List of Future objects.

Returns one Future that is done. (Returns None if the futures list is empty.)

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