GEOS-SC : Tutorial : Introduction

Introduction | The Development Environment | Using an Existing Sample Application | Creating a Simple Application

Welcome to GEOS-SC!

GEOS-SC is an operating system. It is compact, open, modular, and portable. It is ideal for communications-centric devices.

This quick tutorial will help you start programming in GEOS-SC by guiding you through the following:

This tutorial assumes that you already know about object-oriented programming and Microsoft Visual C++. You should know how to create new classes and how to use member variables and member functions. You don't need to know how to write a full-featured Microsoft Windows application.

You can view this tutorial through the Microsoft Visual C++ InfoViewer or your favorite HTML browser. If you decide to use the Visual C++ InfoViewer, type the URL of this page into its toolbar as shown below.

Once you have read through these sections, browse the rest of the documentation to learn more about GEOS-SC.

Introduction | The Development Environment | Using an Existing Sample Application | Creating a Simple Application