: New: Puzzle Hunts are Everywhere and/or Everywhen, and I bet I prefer Everywhen

Catching up on Snoutcasts, I just listened to the SNAP 8 Debrief. SNAP 8 was a "rerun" of BANG 28. (Surprisingly, it was run by the same folks who ran WHO. I think there's some kind of karmic balance overload in effect for those folks now.) I haven't run a rerun game, but based on my experience with the Zombie SNAP (which I helped simulcast as Zombie BANG), I bet I'd like a rerun better. You know how when you're putting together a day-game, there's that one puzzle that's not quite ready until the last minute? OK, now pretend you're far far away from the person who's getting that puzzle ready. They know the puzzle is basically ready, they're just putting some final polish on it. Everyone on their team knows it too, because they're standing around and watching. You don't know that, though. You're across the country. You're worried about getting to print the puzzle out on time. So, yeah, I was nervous. I think I aged a year in a morning. If we'd run that game as a "re-run" a a couple of weeks later, I would known that puzzle was in good shape; I would have been less nervous.

Then again, the Ghost Patrol BAnG was a simulcast too and it didn't make me nervous like that. But that's because the puzzle-designers were just an hour away by train, so it was pretty easy to get a status update: just show up for a puzzle-assembly party. A Seattle-Redmond simulcast might work out without anyone stressing out too much.

Then again, I haven't tried running a re-run game. Maybe I'd find something to stress out about there, too.

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