: New:

@_dev_joe, maintainer of the MIT Mystery Hunt Puzzle Index,, has announced an update. More puzzles, more organized, plus a tidbit especially interesting to me since I haven't played in the Mystery Hunt:
In doing this, I realized there are actually still quite a few standard puzzle types that have never appeared in the Mystery Hunt! Maybe I'll find examples in other puzzle hunts and add them, or maybe they will come in future years. Oh yeah, other hunts. With most of the Mystery Hunts with adequate information now indexed, I am considering including other puzzle hunts which, like the Mystery Hunt, have freely accessible online archives with solutions.

I was all set to harass him with a link to 2-Tone stuff when I realized I never made online answer pages for it. I'll get right on that... uhm, after all the projects I have committed to... Oh man. Maybe I'll leave the harassment to other folks.

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