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We escaped the @realegame Time Travel Lab room! @Hungrynerd assembled a crack team; the team's puzzlers were so strong that I could just wander around ransacking…even though it turns out I'm not a great ransacker. Each time I looked up from pillaging something, we'd solved enough to make progress. Sunshine and Acorn were on our team; rumor has it that they'd designed the room-puzzle for WarTron. (Which makes sense: we were supposed to figure something out by assembling that variant electromotor; that seems very Acornic in an electronic gizmo enthusiast way. But I dunno; I didn't actually ask Acorn what his involvement was, I just listened to Debbi^W rumors.) In hindsight, I don't think that me [redacted]ing the [redacted] from the [redacted] helped us escape the room, but it probably helped me escape injury when we [redacted]ed the [redacted] [redacted] and [redacted] the [redacted]. Anyhow, I had fun.

Tags: puzzlehunts teams

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