: New: My Hobby's been De-Skilled

OK, I'm exaggerating. But here's what I'm talking about: If your puzzlehunt has an automatic answer-checker app, then your site monitors don't have much to do. I and some of the other Davis site volunteers talked about this after DASH this year. The hunt used the excellent ClueKeeper app to dispense hints and check answers. So when I was handing out puzzles and looking at folks' progress, I wasn't giving them hints when they got stuck; they had an app for that. So I… I mostly sat around. For this year's #terngame, Jan Chong wrote a custom Android app for a similar purpose. This was pretty sweet—some of our volunteers weren't puzzle-heads, but folks from Twitter University Recruiting. Back in the day, I felt like a rare, precious commodity: a puzzle enthusiast willing to sit around and help folks. Nowaday, maybe I'm still rare, but maybe not so precious. I wonder if I'll need to think of some different excuse for traveling soon.

Tags: puzzlehunts

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