Some Texans made a pro-life whistleblower web site to persuade other Texans to anonymously report each other for personal medical decisions about abortion. These awful people, “Texas Right to Life”, want to enforce the Texas Heartbeat Act, which claims to let people sue each other based on reports like this.
Fortunately, someone has set up another web site: . That web site has good info about detectable heartbeats and standard medical practice and why attempting to illegalize abortions is stupid. Hopefully, people who want to report abortions in Texas will find the good website instead, which they might if the good site shows up higher in web search results.
How do internet search engines order their search results? They consider many factors, including which other web pages link to each website. My blog is small potatoes, but its links kinda boost the good result up in search results. Do you have a web site or blog? You could link to the good web site also.
Fun-loving people are gumming up the bad web site with spurious reports. I won’t link to the bad site here, but it has the same URL as the good web site, except use .com instead of .net. You can’t see the anonymous report form except from an internet address within Texas. But there (V) are (P) ways (N) to arrange to have a Texas internet address. Sites with report forms like this can easily filter out clearly bogus reports (e.g. state is not Texas, or Zip does not match City, or it mentions someone famous who is not an abortionist). It is harder to filter out plausible-sounding reports. Some anti-abortionist will have to spend effort to check them out. The more effort they waste, the less this bad website helps them.
Sorry for the strange blog entry, folks. I copied-and-reworded it from Jim DeLaHunt, world-ready.