: New:

As I walked in San Francisco's panhandle neighborhood this morning, I saw an ambulance named "Krakenwagen" decorated with kraken (sea monster) art. This vehicle is a pun.

art car ambulance named "krakenwagen" and decorated with krakens

"Krakenwagen" is german for "ambulance." The good news: this pun is very clever.

The bad news: I took a so-so picture of this art ambulance. I just took a mediocre picture so that when I got home I'd remember to look up a better picture from a better picture-taker. I bet you a sandwich that the owner of this ambulance hangs out with an artsy crowd and knows a much much better photographer than me. But but but since this ambulance's name is a pun, when I search teh interwebs for pictures of [krakenwagen], I just get a bunch of German pages about ambulances. So this is the best I have to offer.

[UPDATE] I have been informed that the German for ambulance is actually kraNkenwagen. So when I search teh interwebs for pictures of [krakenwagen], I am finding pages in German with typos I guess.

[FURTHER UPDATE] Some excellent people found a couple of better pictures.

[FURTHER FURTHER UPDATE] When I went past a few days later, krakenwagen was still there, so I took some better photos:

art car ambulance named "krakenwagen", front view art car ambulance named "krakenwagen", side view art car ambulance named "krakenwagen", rear view

Tags: art decoration

