Some handy links:
- JoinMastodon.org A good starting point.
- Accounts I (Larry) follow If you and I have mutual friends and you're wondering where your friends went, you might spot some in this list.
- Mathsthodon.xyz If you're a math person, this is a good place to create an account.
- Mstdn.science If you're a science person, this is a good place to create an account.
- Hachyderm.io If you're a computer nerd, this is a good place to create an account.
You don't have to create an account in a place that's relevant to your profession. It's easy to overstress about where to create your account, but don't do that. Folks in one place can follow folks in other places. And later if you decide you wish you'd created your account somewhere else, you can move (and take your followers with you).
Not everyone who flees Twitter goes to Mastodon. I also see folks going to Tumblr, Instagram, and Post.News. If you decide to set up an account on Post.News, you also want to set up an account on some other service. Post.News doesn't work very well yet; anticipating the Twitter meltdown, they opened up the service so that folks could get on. But once you're on there, you'll find it's only half-baked; and you'll probably want to be on some other service to keep up with folks while you're waiting for Post.News to get their act together. Oh! And some folks went to Cohost.org; but of the people I know who went to Cohost.org… they also set up accounts on other places; and they use those other places; and they don't use Cohost.org so much.