: New:

Oh, you can block users on post.news now. (Maybe this has been true for a while? I don't check there very often.) Just go to the creepy user's profile page, open up the little menu, and there's a Block item.

I don't know what to do about the empty-rectangle account that follows me, though. For a while, my post.news Followers list had an empty rectangle in it; if I clicked on it, I went to a profile page for Undefined, like this account had some important data missing. Creepy, right? Now that there's a block button, I'd love to block that user.

But I no longer see that empty rectangle. Instead my Followers list shows me eight (8) normal not-empty-rectangle users and tells me that nine (9) users follow me. I'd thought "By golly when there's a block button, my first priority will be to click that blank rectangle so I can go to the Undefined profile page and block it." But since post.news doesn't show me the empty rectangle anymore, I have no obvious clickable thingy to block that creepy user. But the 9 makes me think the creepy user is still creepily lurking.

Anyhow, it's nice to see post.news making progress towards becoming usable, even if they're not quite there yet.

Tags: social networks

