: New:

It is still #EnigMarch, and I am still reacting to double-dares to create puzzles.

Here's a cryptid I mean cryptic clue: Bull-head one takes Jupiter's six relating to cattle. (6)

To get you in the mood to think about a bull-head one, here's a dangerous labyrinth (well not so dangerous, really; and more of a maze than a labyrinth; hey, give me a break, this is the maze-drawing program I already had handy):

Here's a ROT13'd explanation and answer: Ohyy-urnq vf O. Bar vf BAR. Whcvgre'f fvk vf Ebzna ahzreny fvk, IV. O+BAR gnxvat IV lvryqf gur nafre: OBIVAR

Tags: puzzle scene

