: New:

The Richmond Review, my horrible neighborhood paper, has reached a new low. Yes they still, in the year 2023, publish a column by Quentin Kopp. Yes, they publish letters from residents who threaten children over Safe Streets and/or proudly declare that they call up the cops to "deal with" homeless people. But I can skip over that crap to get to the surprisingly-good crossword puzzle.* B-but today, gah wha—

screen capture of the top of a crossword puzzle, except the very tippy-top has been truncated

It's like someone thought "How could we give people the nuisance-y bits of doing a diagramless crossword but without the challenge? I know, let's just cut off the top of the top row!"

Grr, the people of San Francisco's western neighborhoods deserve a better news site. (I guess that's just the SF Chronicle? I wonder if the Richmond Review is like the Marina Times, a neighborhood site that caters to views too looneytunes for a mainstream rag. Anyhow.)

*By local constructor Jess Goldstein.

Tags: puzzle scene

