: New:

Here's a screen shot of my phone Messaging app's Spam folder:

a screen shot of my phone Messaging app's Spam folder

Apparently when the app sees a message from a new-to-me number that contains a picture, the app chucks that message into the spam bin.

If you read the text of those messages, you'll see that they're political fundraisers. I guess there's some received wisdom among political fundraisers that pictures boost the effectiveness of fundraising texts. But as near as I can tell, the pictures just cause those messages to get automatically tossed.

(Here, some spam-fighting experts want to interrupt to say that I must have trained my app to trash these messages by marking similar messages as spam. But until recently, I was using Signal as my text-message app.)

?Maybe? not every phone's built-in messaging app defaults to discarding these messages. (Maybe this is an Android-vs-iPhone difference?) And ?maybe? the picture boosts the fundraising-effectiveness of a message so much on phones that do receive the messages that it's overall worth it to include a picture.


Anyhow, I kinda suspect that there's a bunch of political fundraising consultants all telling each other that including a picture is a "best practice" but it's been a while since any of them tried an experiment to figure out if that picture actually boosts or bumbles.

Tags: programming choice

