: New:

Golden-color Adirondack chairs abound near San Francisco's JFK Promenade, an art installation among several in that area. Lots of art went in when the Promenade was established; but these chairs excel at providing a place where one may sit and eat a hot dog purchased at a nearby cart without fear of mustard stains.

some bright yellow chairs among flower beds

A few weeks back, a huge chair showed up. Unfortunately at first, it loomed among some ballards, complicating bike access to the tennis courts. But now it has moved down to the lawn between the Dahlia Garden and the Garfield statue were it can frolic with some of its smaller cousins and, perhaps, serve as meme fodder.

huge chair beside a regular-size chair, for scale captioned image meme: a huge chair beside a large chair with caption: Don't talk to me or my son ever again

Tags: pedestrian

