I continue to check my little dashboard of San Francisco COVID numbers each morning to figure out whether heading into a creperie for a hearty-yet-inessential breakfast is a worthwhile morale boost or an embarrassing risk.
Lately, all three numbers I track have been below the pretty-safe line. It's a good time in San Francisco to catch up on inessentials. (if you ignore the heat wave and the airplane noises and… uhm, anyhow).

You might think Two weeks ago, he blogged that he was resuming inessential activities because, though one number was looking high, overall the numbers were looking okey-doke-ish. And today he's saying all the numbers look good. I bet the last couple of weeks have been a time of steady easing into relaxation. But right after I blogged that, there was a surge in wastewater numbers. And then the California Open Data Portal had some kind of a hiccup, so I wasn't getting new wastewater data. So I kinda didn't know what to think. But then I altered the little computer program that puts together this dashboard. If it can get data from the Open Data Portal, it does; if it can't, it falls back to the California Department of Public Health. And the COVID-in-wastewater numbers calmed down, and thanks to the California Department of Public Health, I could use those new numbers to reassure myself.