Comment: Washington/Baltimore Travel

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Here are some comments which people sent in about Washington/Baltimore Travel

My (Larry's) replies appear like this.
Anna Morris 2010 Mar 17 Thanks from MTV- Update for your site


Thank you for providing an MTV link on the following page of your site:

We really appreciate the support. I have a few questions and would like to get in touch with someone regarding the information on your site. Can you let me know who is responsible for adding resources and updates to your site? Thank you for your time!

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Anna Morris
Content Specialist

I wrote back to Anna:

Howdy Anna,

What's the problem?

The next day, she replied:

Hi Larry,

Thanks for getting back to me. We appreciate the support and we recently upgraded a few of our pages and we were hoping that you would be able to include them on your site as well.

I can send along the link details if you are interested.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Anna Morris Content Specialist

I wrote back:
That could be good. What did you have in mind? I read in the news today that Viacom hired marketing firms to put copyrighted content onto a web site and then sued that web site: Anna, you seem like a nice person. I trust you. Can I get some statement from Viacom that they won't sue me for displaying whatever link details we're talking about here? -Larry Hosken
I never heard back from Anna.

Dan Hosken 2004 May 28 washington dc trip

What size sox did you pick up for your ears? They appear to me to be much too large.

The caption on the last photo is accurate but incomplete. The fellow standing in the next room, coveting the brunch, is my brother-in-law Tony Dominiak. He has been married to Judy's sister, Mary Ann, for roughly 44 years.

Where do you wear ear socks? Within earshod! Uhm, sorry, my joke wasn't very good.

Cheryl Losh 2001 Nov 19 Shepherd College

Thanks for the revisions in your article about Shepherd College/Shepherdstown and also for the links provided for both! Come back for a visit anytime!

Cheryl originally wrote to me because of some big mistakes I'd written about Shepherd College. She sure was nice, considering the dumb things I'd been saying about her local institutions.

Greg Saville 1998 Dec 14 re "Washimore Wander" and Curta

I enjoyed reading your accounts on your website of figuring out how a Curta calculator works. While I was flattered that you chose to use my photograph of a Curta Model I, I am dismayed at your flagrant misuse of someone else's property. Current accepted practice is to link to material on another site, not copy it to your site, rename and use it. I find it especially ironic in that on your site in your "LeGal NicetIes" you admonish anyone who "5teals" anything from your "sit3" to attribute it properly. So, I don't think it's too much to request that you do the same and provide proper attribution to me for my photograph. I grant permission for you to use my photograph on your site, as long as you properly attribute it.

Mr. Saville's photos where so professional-looking that I assumed he must have stolen them from some catalog or something. Of course, back when Curtas were made, photos in catalogs didn't look that good. So I thought wrong. Anyhow, I'm glad he clued me in, and I'm happy to attribute his photos.

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