> fax timesheet To whom do you wish to fax the timesheet? > fax timesheet to hq The fax machine merrily processes your timesheet, sending a picture of it to corporate HQ. > get timesheet Done. > get receipt I see no fax transaction report here! > l You are in the supply room. This is a cramped room with a supporting column smack-dab in the middle. Awkwardly placed bookshelves hold office supplies and random electronic devices. To the North, you see a hallway. To the South is an office hallway. There are office supplies here. There is a fax machine here. A copy machine is here. Random electronics are scattered about. > l at fax machine This is a fairly standard fax machine. It has an autodial button for the company's HQ office. It has a Send button. It has an LCD display. It has an open button. The LCD display says "PAPER JAM". > open fax machine The fax machine is open. Inside the fax machine, you find three fax transaction reports! Inside the fax machine, there is a roll of paper, a paper guide, and some loading instructions. > get receipts Done. > score Your score is 0/16, giving you the rank of clueless wonder. > l at receipts None of these fax transaction reports are yours. Apparently, they've been jamming up inside the fax machine. They must have jammed the printer so that your fax transaction report wouldn't print. > read instructions The fax machine's loading instructions tell you to put the edge of the fax paper under the paper guide. > l at roll The roll of fax paper lies nestled in the innards of the fax machine. One edge of the paper extends from the roll, crumpled from some traumatic past experience. > get scissors Amongst the office supplies, you find some scissors! Done. > cut edge You cut the crumply bit off the paper edge. > put edge under guide You put the paper edge under the paper guide. It's just barely in there. > put edge further under guide I don't know the word "further" > pull edge You can't do that with an edge! > push edge Fiddle dee dee! Rubbish! Figs! > l at instructions The instructions are obscured under the paper edge. > get edge Done. Somebody is tapping you on the shoulder. > attack Who do you want to attack? > l You are in the supply room. This is a cramped room with a supporting column smack-dab in the middle. Awkwardly placed bookshelves hold office supplies and random electronic devices. To the North, you see a hallway. To the South is an office hallway. There are office supplies here. There is an open fax machine here. maelstrom is here. A copy machine is here. Random electronics are scattered about. Included in these random electronics, a keyboard cable dangles from a high shelf--this keyboard cable touched your shoulder. > move cable You move the keyboard cable so that it won't touch you again. Getting a little jumpy, are we? > l at instructions The fax machine's loading instructions tell you to put the edge of the fax paper under the paper guide. > put edge under guide You put the paper edge under the paper guide. It's just barely in there. > close fax machine The fax machine beeps. Some blank fax paper spools out. There is a *kachunkah* noise. A piece of blank fax paper falls onto a shelf. Now a fax transaction report spools out--it is your fax transaction report! There is a *kachunkah* noise, and it falls to the shelf. > get receipt. You pick up the fax transaction report. (Your score just went up.)