Index: h
- HandleUndispatchedMessage(...) Member function
- AppBase class. Invoked by the message dispatch loop when a message is retrieved from the app's MessageQueue, but the message type was unknown to the default...
- Hangup(...) Member function
- DataCallManager class. Ends a call begun by Dial() or Answer(). It attempts to leave the DataCallManager in a state from which subsequent Dials or Answers will succeed, but...
- HardIconListener class
- broadcast library. The HardIconListener's HardIconPressed() member function is invoked when the user presses a hard icon.
- HardIconPressed(...) Pure virtual member function
- HardIconListener class. This is invoked when the user presses a hard icon. Subclasses can override this to intercept hard icon presses.
- HasScrollableChild(...) Member function
- FlexScrollPane class. Returns TRUE if a scrollable child exists.
- irda library. First byte of hints. const uint8 HB_PNP_COMPATIBLE =0x01; const uint8 HB_PDA =0x02; const uint8 HB_COMPUTER =0x04; const uint8 HB_PRINTER =0x08;...
- HB_TELEPHONY Global data
- irda library. Next byte of hints. const uint8 HB_TELEPHONY =0x01; const uint8 HB_FILE_SERVER =0x02; const uint8 HB_IRCOMM =0x04;
- hDevice Struct field
- irda library, in struct IrdaDeviceInfo. 32-bit address of device.
- Head(...) Member function
- WWList class. Get the head pointer. This should be used with care and is added to efficiently implement list iterations.
- header Struct field
- ink library, in struct INK_BUNDLE_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_COLOR_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_END_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_END_TIME_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_OFFSET_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_PENDATA_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_PENTIP_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- ink library, in struct INK_START_TIME_RECORD. The record's type and size.
- HeaderDataReceived(...) Inline member function
- MimeHeaderParser class. This method is called repeatedly as header data comes in. When the end of the header is reached, it will be called a final time with a NULL buffer.
- HeaderFound(...) Pure virtual member function
- MimeHeaderParser class. This method is called when an rfc822 or mime header has been found by ParseData(). If HeaderFound() returnes true, then HeaderDataReceived() will be...
- height Member data
- Dimension class. Height of the Dimension object.
- height Struct field
- graphics library, in struct BitmapHeader. Height of the bitmap in pixels
- HIGH_SUSPEND_PRIORITY Enumerated value
- PD class, in enum SuspendPriority. A high-priority suspend request.
- HINT_BUTTON_IN_TOOLBAR Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoButtonLookHint. A Button with square corners.
- demoui library, in enum DemoButtonLookHint. Non-resizable 3d type Button.
- demoui library, in enum DemoButtonLookHint. A Button with rounded corners.
- demoui library, in enum DemoButtonLookHint. A Button with square corners.
- demoui library, in enum DemoCheckboxLookHint. A selected Checkbox has a checkmark in its box. The box is drawn to the left of Checkbox's label or image.
- demoui library, in enum DemoCheckboxLookHint. A selected Checkbox has its box filled in. Box is drawn to the left of the Checkbox's label or image. Box is at top of label or image.
- demoui library, in enum DemoDialogLookHint. A Dialog that has a button on its Title bar that allows the Frame to be closed.
- demoui library, in enum DemoDialogLookHint. A Frame that cannot be closed.
- demoui library, in enum DemoFrameLookHint. A Frame that has a button on its Title bar that allows the Frame to be closed.
- demoui library, in enum DemoFrameLookHint. A Frame that cannot be closed.
- demoui library, in enum DemoImageLookHint. Draw the image with a border.
- demoui library, in enum DemoImageLookHint. Draw the image as the data states.
- demoui library, in enum DemoPanelLookHint. A single pixel rectangular border.
- demoui library, in enum JLFPanelLookHint. A single pixel rectangular border.
- HINT_PANEL_WITH_NO_BORDER Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoPanelLookHint. A panel with no borders.
- demoui library, in enum JLFPanelLookHint. A panel with no borders.
- HINT_SCROLLBAR_LOOK Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoScrollbarLookHint. A traditional look with up/down arrows at either end, a track connecting the ends, and a draggable thumb nail.
- demoui library, in enum DemoScrollPaneLookHint. A scrollpane with a border. The type of scrollbars used with this look are HINT_SCROLLBAR_LOOK.
- HINT_SPIN_BUTTON_LOOK Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoScrollbarLookHint. Just an up and down arrow.
- HINT_TABLE_CELL_BORDERS Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoTableLook. Displays a dotted outline around each cell.
- demoui library, in enum JLFTableLook. Displays a dotted outline around each cell.
- HINT_TABLE_NO_BORDERS Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoTableLook. No lines or borders.
- demoui library, in enum JLFTableLook. No lines or borders.
- HINT_TABLE_ROW_BORDERS Enumerated value
- demoui library, in enum DemoTableLook. Displays solid row lines.
- demoui library, in enum JLFTableLook. Displays solid row lines.
- demoui library, in enum DemoTableLook. Displays dotted row lines.
- demoui library, in enum JLFTableLook. Displays dotted row lines.
- demoui library, in enum DemoTextFieldLook. Displays a dotted underline under the text field.
- Hold(...) Global function
- kernel library. Lock Hold constructor. When the constructor returns, the passed lock will have been Acquire()d.
- kernel library. Lock Hold constructor. When the constructor returns, the passed lock will have been Acquire()d.
- ~Hold(...) Global function
- kernel library. Lock Hold destructor. This will Release() the associated Lock.
- Hold(...) Inline member function
- Semaphore::Hold class. Semaphore Hold constructor. When the constructor returns, the passed semaphore will have been P'd.
- Semaphore::Hold class. Semaphore Hold constructor. When the constructor returns, the passed semaphore will have been P'd.
- ~Hold(...) Inline member function
- Semaphore::Hold class. Semaphore Hold destructor. This will V() the associated Semaphore.
- HoldCall(...) Member function
- VoiceCallManager class. Put a call on hold. Call must be active. This is an optional feature:#ifdef NETWORK_SUPPORTS_HOLD. It is equivalent to the ITU I.253.2 (HOLD) service.
- HorizontalFlowLayout class
- toolkit library. The HorizontalFlowLayout class implements a layout manager that arranges components along a horizontal line with a variety of spacing options.
- HorizontalFlowLayout(...) Member function
- HorizontalFlowLayout class. Constructs a HorizontalFlowLayout with the specified settings.
- horizontalJustification Struct field
- toolkit library, in struct TitleEventInfoFlags. TitleHorizontalJustificationType.
- HorizontalSizePreference Enumerated type
- FlexComponent class. This type specifies the horizontal size preference for a component. The default value for most components is HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH.
- hour Member data
- DateTime class. Hour value of this DateTime.
- HSP_NO_PREF_WIDTH Enumerated value
- FlexComponent class, in enum HorizontalSizePreference.
- HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH Enumerated value
- FlexComponent class, in enum HorizontalSizePreference.
- HTFILE_CACHE_EXPIRED Enumerated value
- www library, in enum HTFileCacheResultCode. Cache already expired and will be garbage collected.
- HTFILE_CACHE_NOT_FOUND Enumerated value
- www library, in enum HTFileCacheResultCode. Cache not found
- HTFILE_CACHE_OK Enumerated value
- www library, in enum HTFileCacheResultCode. Success
- www library, in enum HTFileCacheResultCode. Not enough memory to satisfy request
- HTFileCacheManager class
- www library. File cache manager. There must only be one disk cache manager. All clients share the same disk cache. There is no good reason to have multiple disk...
- HTFileCacheReader class
- www library. File cache reader. Is a wwstream that allows reading and prevents writing.
- HTFileCacheResultCode Enumerated type
- www library. HTFile cache result codes
- HTFileCacheWriter class
- www library. Cache writer. Is a wwstream that allows writing but prevents reading.
- HTMLV_BUSY Enumerated value
- wwwconv library, in enum HTMLViewerResultCode. Request cannot be made as viewer is busy. This normally happen if the viewer is in the process of terminating old requests from Stop() or successive...
- HTMLV_OK Enumerated value
- wwwconv library, in enum HTMLViewerResultCode. General success
- HTMLV_OUT_OF_MEMORY Enumerated value
- wwwconv library, in enum HTMLViewerResultCode.
- HTMLV_STREAM_ERROR Enumerated value
- wwwconv library, in enum HTMLViewerResultCode.
- HTMLViewer class
- wwwconv library. Viewer for displaying HTML documents. A HTMLViewer is used to display HTML data and text, i.e., MIME types "text/html"and "text/plain".
- HTMLViewer(...) Member function
- HTMLViewer class. Constructor. Provides the AppBase of the application created this HTMLViewer.
- ~HTMLViewer(...) Member function
- HTMLViewer class. Destructor.
- HTMLViewerResultCode Enumerated type
- wwwconv library. HTMLViewer return codes.
- HTTP class
- wwwscheme library. HTTP is a www protocol that implements RFC2068. It supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0. The HTTP methods supported are GET and POST.
- HTTP(...) Member function
- HTTP class. Default constructor. HTTP_0_9 is not allowed will cause EC crash.
- ~HTTP(...) Member function
- HTTP class. Destructor.
- HTTP_2xx_OK Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_301_MOVED_PERM Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_302_MOVED_TEMP Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_304_NOT_MODIFIED Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_305_USE_PROXY Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_401_UNAUTH Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_402_PAYMENT_REQUIRED Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_406_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_407_PROXY_UNAUTH Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_408_TIMEOUT Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_409_CONFLICT Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_410_GONE Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_411_LENGTH_REQUIRED Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_413_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_414_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_500_SERVER_ERROR Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Failed to connect host.
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Failed to connect proxy.
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Bad host name.
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Bad proxy name.
- HTTP_NETWORK_ERROR Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Read/write network error.
- HTTP_NO_STATUS Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPStatusCode.
- HTTP_OK Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Success.
- HTTP_OUT_OF_MEMORY Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPResultCode. Low on memory.
- HTTPResultCode Enumerated type
- wwwscheme library. HTTP result code.
- HTTPStatusCode Enumerated type
- wwwscheme library. HTTP status code. For more information, see RFC2068, page 39.
- HTTPV_0_9 Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPVersion. HTTP version 0.9
- HTTPV_1_0 Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPVersion. version 1.0
- HTTPV_1_1 Enumerated value
- wwwscheme library, in enum HTTPVersion. HTTP version 1.1
- HTTPVersion Enumerated type
- wwwscheme library. HTTP version number.