Class FlexComponent

GEOS-SC:  Library toolkit_lib: Class FlexComponent

This is the base class for the UI components in the toolkit library. This class should not be used by itself. Instead, application writers should use the subclasses of FlexComponent. The common API that all components share for registering listeners, setting and getting the width/height, and drawing to the screen is defined in FlexComponent class.

#include <toolkit/comp.h>

Class Data and Methods

// FlexComponent members
enum HorizontalSizePreference;
enum VerticalSizePreference;
FlexComponent(Boolean isVisible );
Result AddComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);
Result AddMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);
void AddNotify(void);
Boolean Contains(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);
Boolean Contains(WinXYPoint& point);
void DelayedDelete(void);
void DoLayout(void);
Colorant GetBackground(void);
WinRectangle GetBounds(void) const;
FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, Boolean visibleOnly );
FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinXYPoint& point, Boolean visibleOnly );
Colorant GetForeground(void);
FlexComponentID GetID(void);
WinXYPoint GetLocation(void);
Dimension GetMinimumSize(void);
FlexContainer *GetParent(void) const;
FlexWindow *GetFlexWindowAncestor(void);
Dimension GetPreferredSize(void);
Dimension GetSize(void) const;
void GetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference &horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference &verticalSizePref);
void Invalidate(void);
Boolean IsEnabled(void) const;
Boolean IsFocusTraversable(void);
Boolean IsShowing(void) const;
Boolean IsGeometryValid(void) const;
Boolean IsVisible(void) const;
void Paint(void);
void RemoveComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);
void RemoveNotify(void);
void Repaint(void);
void Repaint(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void RequestFocus(void);
Result SetBackground(Colorant color);
void SetBounds(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void SetBounds(WinRectangle& rect);
void SetEnabled(Boolean enable);
Result SetForeground(Colorant color);
void SetID(FlexComponentID id);
void SetLocation(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);
void SetLocation(const WinXYPoint& point);
void SetSize(const Dimension& dimension);
void SetSize(uint16 width, uint16 height);
void SetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference verticalSizePref);
Result SetVisible(Boolean visible);
void TransferFocus(void);
void Update(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);
void Validate(void);
// Event processing methods
void ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent& actionEvent);
void ProcessComponentEvent(ComponentEvent& componentEvent);
void ProcessFocusEvent(FocusEvent& focusEvent);
void ProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent& keyEvent);
void ProcessMouseEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);
void ProcessMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);
// Graphical rendering methods
void *CopyArea(const WinRectangle *bounds) const;
WinCoord FontMetric( FontMetricInfo info, const TextState& textState ) const;
void BrushLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineCOlor, WinCoord penWidth );
void DrawLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineColor );
void DrawHLine( WinCoord xStart, WinCoord xEnd, WinCoord yCoord, Colorant lineColor );
void DrawVLine( WinCoord xCoord, WinCoord yStart, WinCoord yEnd, Colorant lineColor);
void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft, Colorant color);
void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft);
void DrawPoint( WinCoord xPos, WinCoord yPos, Colorant dotColor );
void DrawPoint( WinXYPoint point, Colorant dotColor );
void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], TextState& textState );
void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, TextState& textState );
void DrawUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, Colorant fgColor, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );
void InvertUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );
void FillRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner, Colorant fillColor );
void InvertRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner );
void InvertLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2 );
void InvertLine( WinCoord x1, WinCoord y1, WinCoord x2, WinCoord y2 );
void SetClipRect( const WinXYPoint& clipUpLeft, const WinXYPoint& clipLowRight );
void ClearClipRect(void);
void Render(Renderer& renderer);
WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], const TextState& textState ) const;
WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, const TextState& textState ) const;
EC (static void EnsureInAppThread(void));

Inherited Data and Methods:

This class does not inherit from any other class.

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This class does not inherit from any other class.

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Creating FlexComponents

Destroying FlexComponents

Creating Custom Components

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Descriptions of Class Data and Methods

enum HorizontalSizePreference;

This type specifies the horizontal size preference for a component. The default value for most components is HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH. This will cause the component to calculate its own width based on some attribute (like the width of its text label if any).


Declared as:

enum {
    } HorizontalSizePreference;

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enum VerticalSizePreference;

This type specifies the vertical size preference for a component. The default value for most components is VSP_USE_PREF_HEIGHT. This will cause the component to calculate its own height based on some attribute (like the height of its text label if any).


Declared as:

enum {
    } VerticalSizePreference;

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FlexComponent(Boolean isVisible );

Constructor for a FlexComponent. This automatically sets up defaults for FlexComponents. By default, components are enabled. Whether they are visible by default is determined by the FlexUI.


in isVisible
If the component is visible or not.


    FlexComponent(Boolean isVisible = TRUE);

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Destructor for the FlexComponent. Frees up memory taken by the component.


    virtual ~FlexComponent(void);

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Result AddComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);

Add a component listener to the FlexComponent object. The listener must be derived from ComponentListenerInterface in some form.


in listener
A ComponentListenerInterface object that is subclassed to intercept ComponentEvents.

Return value: FAILURE if there was not enough memory to store the reference to the listener in the component.

See also: RemoveComponentListener()


    Result AddComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);

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Result AddFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);

Add a focus listener to the FlexComponent object. The listener must be derived from FocusListenerInterface in some form.


in listener
A FocusListenerInterface object that is subclassed to intercept FocusEvents.

Return value: FAILURE if there was not enough memory to store the reference to the listener in the component.

See also: RemoveFocusListener()


    Result AddFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener); 

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Result AddKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);

Add a key listener to the FlexComponent object. The listener must be derived from KeyListenerInterface in some form.


in listener
A KeyListenerInterface object that is subclassed to intercept KeyEvents.

Return value: FAILURE if there was not enough memory to store the reference to the listener in the component.

See also: RemoveKeyListener()


    Result AddKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);

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Result AddMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);

Add a mouse listener to the FlexComponent object. The listener must be derived from MouseListenerInterface in some form.


in listener
A MouseListenerInterface object that is subclassed to intercept MouseEvents.

Return value: FAILURE if there was not enough memory to store the reference to the listener in the component.

See also: RemoveMouseListener()


    Result AddMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);

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Result AddMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);

Add a mouse motion listener to the FlexComponent object. The listener must be derived from MouseMotionListenerInterface in some form.


in listener
A MouseMotionListenerInterface object that is subclassed to intercept MouseEvents.

Return value: FAILURE if there was not enough memory to store the reference to the listener in the component.

See also: RemoveMouseMotionListener()


    Result AddMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);

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void AddNotify(void);

Notify a component that it has been added to a container. This should only be called by containers.

See also: RemoveNotify()


    virtual void AddNotify(void);

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Boolean Contains(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);

Given an (x,y) coordinate pair, the method returns TRUE if the point lies inside the bounds of this FlexComponent. The passed in (x,y) coordinate pair is with respect to the FlexComponent's coordinate system.


in x
X position to check.
in y
Y position to check.

Return value: TRUE if the point lies inside the bounds of this FlexComponent.

See also: Contains()


    Boolean Contains(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);

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Boolean Contains(WinXYPoint& point);

Given a WinXYPoint object, the method returns TRUE if the point lies inside the bounds of this FlexComponent. The passed in (x,y) coordinate pair is with respect to the FlexComponent's coordinate system.


in point
WinXYPoint position to check.

Return value: TRUE if the point lies inside the bounds of this FlexComponent

See also: Contains()


    Boolean Contains(WinXYPoint& point);

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void DelayedDelete(void);

DelayedDelete deletes this component by invoking a routine via MessageQueue::QueuedFunctionCall(). There are cases where you want to delete a component while you are in the middle of one of that component's event handlers (for example, you might want to close and free up a FlexDialog when one of the buttons is pressed, so you want to free the dialog from within the button's ActionListener).

DelayedDelete puts a message on the queue to delete the object, so the current method invocation can complete before the deletion occurs.


    void DelayedDelete(void);

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void DoLayout(void);

Tells the component to do its layout. This is mostly meant for containers to handle. Usually called when the FlexComponent is validated.

See also: Validate()


    virtual void DoLayout(void);                             

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Colorant GetBackground(void);

Find out the background color of the FlexComponent. The default is determined by the specific UI.

Return value: Colorant value of the background for this component.

See also: SetBackground(), GetForeground(), SetForeground()


    virtual Colorant GetBackground(void);                    

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WinRectangle GetBounds(void) const;

Get the bounds of this FlexComponent. The bounds are in its parent's coordinate system.

Return value: WinRectangle value containing the bounds of this component.

See also: SetBounds(), SetLocation(), SetSize()


    WinRectangle GetBounds(void) const;

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FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, Boolean visibleOnly );

Find the component at the (x,y) coordinate pair inside this component. Meant primarily for FlexContainers.

Determines if this component or one of its immediate child components contains the (x,y) location. If so, the function returns the containing component. This method only looks one level deep. If the (x,y) location is inside a child component that itself has child components, it does not go looking down that child's component tree.


in x
X coordinate to look for child.
in y
Y coordinate to look for child.
in visibleOnly
TRUE: Only return the containing component if it is visible and all of its ancestors are visible. FALSE: Return the component as long as it contains the location. Its visibility does not matter.

Return value: Pointer to the FlexComponent at the (x,y) position or NULL if the component or its child components do not contain the point. NULL is also returned if the visibleOnly parameter is TRUE and there is no fully visible component that contains the location.

See also: GetComponentAt()


    virtual FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinCoord  x, 
                                          WinCoord  y, 
                                          Boolean visibleOnly = FALSE); 

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FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinXYPoint& point, Boolean visibleOnly );

Find the component at the point inside this component. Meant primarily for FlexContainers.

Determines if this component or one of its immediate child components contains the point. If so, the function returns the containing component. This method only looks one level deep. If the point is inside a child component that itself has child components, it does not go looking down that child's component tree.


in point
Coordinate to look for child.
in visibleOnly
TRUE: Only return the containing component if it is visible and all of its ancestors are visible. FALSE: Return the component as long as it contains the location. Its visibility does not matter.

Return value: Pointer to the FlexComponent at the (x,y) position or NULL if the component or its child components do not contain the point. NULL is also returned if the visibleOnly parameter is TRUE and there is no fully visible component that contains the location.

See also: GetComponentAt()


    FlexComponent *GetComponentAt(WinXYPoint& point, 
                                  Boolean visibleOnly = FALSE); 

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Colorant GetForeground(void);

Get the foreground color of this component. The default is determined by the specific UI.

Return value: Colorant value of the foreground for this component.

See also: SetForeground(), GetBackground(), SetBackground()


    virtual Colorant GetForeground(void);                            

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FlexComponentID GetID(void);

Get the ID number for this FlexComponent. IDs are optional. The default ID for a component is -1.

Return value: ID value of this component.

See also: SetID()


    FlexComponentID GetID(void);

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WinXYPoint GetLocation(void);

Get the upper-left coordinates of this FlexComponent. The coordinates are in relation to its parent object.

Return value: WinXYPoint value that contains the location of this component.

See also: SetLocation(), GetBounds(), SetBounds()


    WinXYPoint GetLocation(void);

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Dimension GetMinimumSize(void);

Get the minimum size to which this FlexComponent can be set. By default the minimum size will be width equals one, height equals one. Component subclasses may redefine what their minimum size should be.

Return value: Dimension value of the minimum height and width for this component.

See also: GetPreferredSize()


    virtual Dimension GetMinimumSize(void);

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FlexContainer *GetParent(void) const;

Get the parent of this FlexComponent. Only FlexContainers and their subclasses can have FlexComponent children.

Return value: A pointer to the FlexContainer that is the parent of this component.


    virtual FlexContainer *GetParent(void) const;

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FlexWindow *GetFlexWindowAncestor(void);

GetFlexWindowAncestor travels up the UI linkage until it reaches a parent that is a FlexWindow, and returns the pointer. This works even if there are intervening parents (FlexContainers) between the component and the FlexWindow.

Return value: pointer to the parent FlexWindow, or NULL if this object does not lie under a FlexWindow

See also: GetParent()


    FlexWindow *GetFlexWindowAncestor(void);

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Dimension GetPreferredSize(void);

Get the size that is preferred by this FlexComponent. By default, FlexComponents will prefer to be (0,0).

Return value: Dimension value that is the preferred size of this component.

See also: GetMinimumSize()


    virtual Dimension GetPreferredSize(void);

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Dimension GetSize(void) const;

Get the size of this FlexComponent.

Return value: Dimension value that contains the size of the object.

See also: SetSize(), SetBounds(), GetBounds(), GetMinimumSize(), GetPreferredSize()


    virtual Dimension GetSize(void) const;

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void GetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference &horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference &verticalSizePref);

Get the component's size preferences.

out horizontalSizePref
HorizontalSizePreference value to set.
out verticalSizePref
VerticalSizePreference value to set.


    void GetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference &horizontalSizePref,
			   VerticalSizePreference   &verticalSizePref);

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void Invalidate(void);

Invalidate the geometry of this component and all of its UI ancestors up to the AppBase object (unless they are already invalid). A component whose geometry is invalid will not paint itself until validated. When invalidation reaches the AppBase, a delayed geometry validation call is enqueued on that application's thread. The delayed validation may cause components to be resized, repositioned and repainted.

Return value: void

See also: DoLayout(), Validate(), IsGeometryValid()


    virtual void Invalidate(void);

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Boolean IsEnabled(void) const;

Get the enabled state of this FlexComponent. By default, FlexComponents are enabled when created.

Return value: TRUE if the component is enabled.

See also: SetEnabled()


    Boolean IsEnabled(void) const;

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Boolean IsFocusTraversable(void);

Find out if the focus can go to this object. TRUE will mean the object can get focus.

Return value: TRUE if this object can get the focus.

See also: RequestFocus(), TransferFocus()


    virtual Boolean IsFocusTraversable(void);

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Boolean IsShowing(void) const;

Checks to see if the component is fully visible by making sure this FlexComponent is marked visible and all of its parents are marked visible.

Return value: Returns TRUE if this component is showing.

See also: IsVisible(), SetVisible()


    Boolean IsShowing(void) const;

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Boolean IsGeometryValid(void) const;

Check to see if the FlexComponent is valid (needs to be layed out).

Return value: Returns TRUE if geometry is valid.

See also: Validate(), Invalidate()


    Boolean IsGeometryValid(void) const;

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Boolean IsVisible(void) const;

Tests if this FlexComponent is marked visible. Even if it is visible, it may not be onscreen if a parent is not visible.

Return value: Returns TRUE if visible.

See also: SetVisible()


    Boolean IsVisible(void) const;

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void Paint(void);

Handler to Draw the FlexComponent. Assumes the background has been cleared.

See also: Repaint(), Update(), PaintAll()


    virtual void Paint(void);

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void RemoveComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);

Remove a component listener that has been added to this FlexComponent. Pass the component listener to be removed.


in listener
The component listener object that was added to this component.

See also: AddComponentListener()


    void RemoveComponentListener(ComponentListenerInterface& listener);

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void RemoveFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);

Remove a focus listener that has been added to this FlexComponent. Pass the focus listener to be removed.


in listener
The focus listener object that was added to this component.

See also: AddFocusListener()


    void RemoveFocusListener(FocusListenerInterface& listener);

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void RemoveKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);

Remove a key listener that has been added to this FlexComponent. Pass the key listener to be removed.


in listener
The Key listener object that was added to this component.

See also: AddKeyListener()


    void RemoveKeyListener(KeyListenerInterface& listener);

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void RemoveMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);

Remove a mouse listener that has been added to this FlexComponent. Pass the mouse listener to be removed.


in listener
The Mouse listener object that was added to this component.

See also: AddMouseListener()


    void RemoveMouseListener(MouseListenerInterface& listener);

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void RemoveMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);

Remove a mouse motion listener that has been added to this FlexComponent. Pass the mouse motion listener to be removed.


in listener
The MouseMotion listener object that was added to this component.

See also: AddMouseMotionListener()


    void RemoveMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListenerInterface& listener);

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void RemoveNotify(void);

Notify a component that it has been removed from a container. This should only be called by containers.

See also: AddNotify()


    virtual void RemoveNotify(void);

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void Repaint(void);

Repaint the FlexComponent. This initiates an Update(), which draws in the background, and a Paint(), which draws the FlexComponent.

See also: Paint(), Update()


    virtual void Repaint(void);

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void Repaint(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);

Repaint part of the FlexComponent. This initiates an Update(), which draws in the background, and a Paint(), which draws the FlexComponent.


in x
X value of where to start drawing.
in y
Y value of where to start drawing.
in width
Width of repaint area.
in height
Height of repaint area.

See also: Paint(), Update()


    virtual void Repaint(WinCoord  x, WinCoord  y, 
			 uint16 width, uint16 height);

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void RequestFocus(void);

If this object is FocusTraversable, it will obtain the focus.

See also: IsFocusTraversable()


    void RequestFocus(void);

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Result SetBackground(Colorant color);

Set the background color for this object.


in color
Colorant value to set the background color.

Return value: SUCCESS if the Background color could be set. FAILURE if the Background color could not be set.

See also: GetBackground()


    virtual Result SetBackground(Colorant color);

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void SetBounds(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);

Set the bounds of this object. This takes the place of two calls, SetLocation() and SetSize().

The maximum for width and height is INT16_MAX. Width and height parameters that are greater than INT16_MAX are constrained to be INT16_MAX.


in x
X value of where the component should be.
in y
Y value of where the component should be.
in width
New width of the component.
in height
New height of the component.

See also: GetBounds()


    void SetBounds(WinCoord  x, WinCoord  y, uint16  width, uint16 height);

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void SetBounds(WinRectangle& rect);

Set the bounds of this object. Unlike the previous SetBounds() function, this one takes the bounding rect of the FlexComponent.


in rect
WinRectangle value of the new bounds for this object.

See also: GetBounds()


    void SetBounds(WinRectangle& rect);

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void SetEnabled(Boolean enable);

Set if this object is enabled. Setting to TRUE means the object will be enabled.

Changing the enabled state of a component will force a redraw of the component.


in enable
New enabled status for this component.

See also: IsEnabled()


    virtual void SetEnabled(Boolean enable);

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Result SetForeground(Colorant color);

Set the foreground color for this FlexComponent.


in color
Colorant value of the new color for this component.

Return value: SUCCESS if the Foreground color could be set. FAILURE if the Foreground color could not be set.

See also: GetForeground()


    virtual Result SetForeground(Colorant color);

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void SetID(FlexComponentID id);

Set an optional ID for this FlexComponent. Useful if you want to have a single listener attached to many FlexComponents. An ID enables the listener to identify the sender of an event. The default ID is -1.


in id
New ID value for this component.

See also: GetID()


    void SetID(FlexComponentID id); 

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void SetLocation(WinCoord x, WinCoord y);

Set the (x,y) location of this component in relation to its parent container.


in x
X value of where to put the component.
in y
Y value of where to put the component.

See also: GetLocation(), SetBounds()


    void SetLocation(WinCoord  x, WinCoord  y);

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void SetLocation(const WinXYPoint& point);

Set the (x,y) location of this component in relation to its parent container.


in point
WinXYPoint corresponding to the upper-left position of where to put the component.

See also: GetLocation(), SetBounds(), GetBounds()


    void SetLocation(const WinXYPoint& point);

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void SetSize(const Dimension& dimension);

Set the width and height of this FlexComponent. The upper-left location of the FlexComponent does not change. This cannot be used to make a component smaller than the value returned by GetMinimumSize().

Before you make use of this function, make sure you read and understand the concept of "size preference" described in SetSizePreference(). If you try to resize a component and it doesn't work, it probably means that it's using one or both of HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH and VSP_USE_PREF_HEIGHT.


in dimension
Dimension value of the new size for this component.

See also: GetSize(), GetMinimumSize(), GetPreferredSize(), GetSizePreference(), SetSizePreference(), SetBounds(), GetBounds()


    virtual void SetSize(const Dimension&  dimension);

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void SetSize(uint16 width, uint16 height);

Set the width and height of this FlexComponent. The upper-left location of the FlexComponent does not change. This cannot be used to make a component smaller than the value returned by GetMinimumSize().

The maximum for width and height is INT16_MAX. Width and height parameters that are greater than INT16_MAX are constrained to be INT16_MAX.

Before you make use of this function, make sure you read and understand the concept of "size preference" described in SetSizePreference(). If you try to resize a component and it doesn't work, it probably means that it's using one or both of HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH and VSP_USE_PREF_HEIGHT.


in width
New width for this component.
in height
New height for this component.

See also: GetSize(), SetBounds(), GetBounds()


    virtual void SetSize(uint16  width, uint16  height);

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void SetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference horizontalSizePref, VerticalSizePreference verticalSizePref);

Set the component's size preferences. A size preference tells a component how to size itself. For example:

A button with HSP_NO_PREF_WIDTH and VSP_USE_PREF_HEIGHT. This button would probably calculate its own height based on the font size used for its text label. It would not calculate its own width. The width would be set by calling SetSize().

Most components have HSP_USE_PREF_WIDTH and VSP_USE_PREF_HEIGHT set by default. It's very likely that you will need to change these values before calling SetSize(). The assumption is that most components will size themselves according to some attribute and the "look" parameter passed into the ui factory.


in horizontalSizePref
HorizontalSizePreference value to set.
in verticalSizePref
VerticalSizePreference value to set.

See also: GetSizePreference()


    void SetSizePreference(HorizontalSizePreference horizontalSizePref,
			   VerticalSizePreference   verticalSizePref);

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Result SetVisible(Boolean visible);

Set if the FlexComponent is visible. If the FlexComponent is visible, may still not be showing on the screen because a parent may not be visible.


in visible
New visible state for this component.

Return value: FAILURE is unable to become visible.

See also: IsShowing()


    virtual Result SetVisible(Boolean visible);

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void TransferFocus(void);

Gives the focus to the next appropriate FlexComponent.

See also: IsFocusTraversable()


    void TransferFocus(void);

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void Update(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);

Draw the background color of the FlexComponent to erase it. Update() invokes a Paint() call to redraw the component.


in x
X value of the upper-left point to update.
in y
Y value of the upper-left point to update.
in width
Width of area to invalidate.
in height
Height of area to invalidate.

See also: Repaint(), Paint()


    virtual void Update(WinCoord x, WinCoord y, uint16 width, uint16 height);

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void Validate(void);

Make sure that the FlexComponent has a valid layout. This member function is usually called on a FlexContainer.

See also: Invalidate(), DoLayout()


    virtual void Validate(void);

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void ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent& actionEvent);

Process the action events for this component, passing the events to any registered ActionListener objects.


in actionEvent
ActionEvent object to describe the event.


    virtual void ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent& actionEvent);

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void ProcessComponentEvent(ComponentEvent& componentEvent);

Process the component event for this component, passing the events to any registered ComponentEvent listeners.


in componentEvent
ComponentEvent object to describe the event.


    virtual void ProcessComponentEvent(ComponentEvent& componentEvent);

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void ProcessFocusEvent(FocusEvent& focusEvent);

Process the focus event for this component, passing the events to any registered FocusListener objects.


in focusEvent
FocusEvent object to describe the event.


    virtual void ProcessFocusEvent(FocusEvent& focusEvent);

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void ProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent& keyEvent);

Process the key events for this component, passing the events to any registered KeyListener objects.


in keyEvent
KeyEvent object to describe the event.


    virtual void ProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent& keyEvent);

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void ProcessMouseEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);

Process the mouse events for this component, passing the events to any registered MouseListener objects.

The following mouse events are received by this function. The order in which the events are received is as listed below.

MOUSE_PRESSED indicating mouse was pressed on the FlexComponent. MOUSE_CLICKED indicating mouse was pressed and released without being dragged MOUSE_RELEASED indicating mouse was released on the FlexComponent.

If the mouse is not dragged then a MOUSE_CLICKED event is received by this function before the MOUSE_RELEASED event. If the mouse is dragged then a MOUSE_DRAGGED event is received by the ProcessMouseMotionEvent() before a MOUSE_RELEASED event is received by this function. The order of the events then is MOUSE_PRESSED, MOUSE_DRAGGED and MOUSE_RELEASED.


in mouseEvent
MouseEvent object to describe the event.

See also: ProcessMouseMotionEvent()


    virtual void ProcessMouseEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);

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void ProcessMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);

Process the mouse motion events for this component, passing the events to any registered MouseMotionListener objects.

This function receives the MOUSE_DRAGGED event indicating that the mouse was pressed and dragged on the FlexComponent. The order of the mouse events in this case is MOUSE_PRESSED, MOUSE_DRAGGED and MOUSE_RELEASED.

The MOUSE_PRESSED and MOUSE_RELEASED events are received by ProcessMouseEvent() and the MOUSE_DRAGGED event is received by this function.


in mouseEvent
MouseEvent object to describe the event.

See also: ProcessMouseEvent()


    virtual void ProcessMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent& mouseEvent);

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void *CopyArea(const WinRectangle *bounds) const;

Extracts a portion of the component into a BitmapHeader. The bitmap returned is allocated on the heap and the caller is responsible for deleting it.

The bitmap returned is in the format that most closely matches the native format of the graphics system's sprite format.

The left side in bounds is column 0 in the returned bitmap. If bounds is passed as NULL, then the entire window is copied out. The window must be visible to have a sprite, which holds the window's image.

The bounds passed will be clipped to this component's bounds and the bounds of all its ancestor component.


in bounds
Rectangle bounds of area to copy.

Return value: Pointer to the extracted image, or NULL if there was a memory allocation error or the bounds were out of range. It is legal to use the value returned as a parameter to the Bitmap object's constructor.


    void *CopyArea(const WinRectangle *bounds) const;

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WinCoord FontMetric( FontMetricInfo info, const TextState& textState ) const;

Return the requested font metric. See the graphics library for valid font metrics.


in info
FontMetric information that is queried.
in textState
TextState to use for the FontMetric information.

Return value: Returns the requested font metric.

See also: StringWidth()


    WinCoord    FontMetric( FontMetricInfo info,
                            const TextState& textState ) const;

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void BrushLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineCOlor, WinCoord penWidth );

Brush a line of variable thickness. Pen is centered along line path.


in p1
(x,y) coordinate pair to start line.
in p2
(x,y) coordinate pair to end line.
in lineColor
Colorant value to use.
in penWidth
Pen width to use.

See also: DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), DrawLine(), DrawPoint(), InvertLine()


    void BrushLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2,
		    Colorant lineCOlor, WinCoord penWidth );

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void DrawLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2, Colorant lineColor );

Draw a one pixel wide line between two inclusive points.


in p1
(x,y) coordinate pair to start line.
in p2
(x,y) coordinate pair to end line.
in lineColor
Colorant value to use.

See also: DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), BrushLine(), DrawPoint(), InvertLine()


    void DrawLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2,
		   Colorant lineColor );

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void DrawHLine( WinCoord xStart, WinCoord xEnd, WinCoord yCoord, Colorant lineColor );

Draws a one pixel wide horizontal line from the start point to X = endX, inclusive.


in xStart
Starting X position of the horizontal line.
in xEnd
Ending X position of the horizontal line.
in yCoord
Y coordinate of the line to be drawn.
in LineColor
Colorant value to use.

See also: DrawVLine(), DrawLine(), BrushLine(), DrawPoint() InvertLine()


    void DrawHLine( WinCoord  xStart,
		    WinCoord  xEnd,
		    WinCoord  yCoord,
		    Colorant  lineColor );

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void DrawVLine( WinCoord xCoord, WinCoord yStart, WinCoord yEnd, Colorant lineColor);

Draw a vertical line given the two Y coordinate endpoints and the X coordinate.


in xCoord
X coordinate of the line to be drawn.
in yStart
Starting Y coordinate of the vertical line.
in yEnd
Ending Y coordinate of the vertical line.
in lineColor
Colorant value to use.

See also: DrawHLine(), DrawLine(), BrushLine(), DrawPoint() InvertLine()


    void DrawVLine( WinCoord  xCoord,
		    WinCoord  yStart,
		    WinCoord  yEnd,
                    Colorant  lineColor);

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void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft, Colorant color);

Draws a bitmap into the window.


in bitmap
Bitmap to draw
in destUpLeft
Upper left corner for drawing to start in window
in color
Color in which to draw. The default is RGB_BLACK.

See also: Window::DrawBitmap()

Status: Functional


    void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap,
                    WinXYPoint destUpLeft, 
                    Colorant color);

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void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft);

Draws a bitmap into a window.

When drawing bitmaps of color type BCT_ONE_COLOR, the foreground color drawn is RGB_BLACK. To use a different color, call the version of DrawBitmap() that takes a color argument.


in bitmap
Bitmap to draw
in destUpLeft
Upper left corner for drawing to start in window

See also: Window::DrawBitmap()

Status: Functional


    void DrawBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, WinXYPoint destUpLeft);

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void DrawPoint( WinCoord xPos, WinCoord yPos, Colorant dotColor );

Plot a single pixel.


in xPos
X coordinate of point to plot.
in yPos
Y coordinate of point to plot.
in dotColor
Colorant value to use.


    void DrawPoint( WinCoord  xPos, WinCoord yPos, Colorant dotColor );

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void DrawPoint( WinXYPoint point, Colorant dotColor );

Plot a single pixel.


in point
(x,y) coordinate to plot the point.
in dotColor
Colorant value to use.


    void DrawPoint( WinXYPoint point, Colorant dotColor );

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void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], TextState& textState );

Draw the specified string using the specified attributes This version assumes a NULL terminated string.


in string
Null terminated TCHAR string.
in textState
TextState to use. DrawString will update TextState._location to the end position of the string.

See also: StringWidth()


    void DrawString( const TCHAR  string[], // NULL terminated str
		     TextState&  textState );

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void DrawString( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, TextState& textState );

Draw the specified string using the specified attributes. This version takes a length. 0 means no chars displayed.


in string
TCHAR string to draw.
in numChars
Number of characters to draw from the string.
in textState
TextStae to use. DrawString will update TextState._location to the end position of the string.

See also: StringWidth()


    void DrawString( const TCHAR  string[],
		     int32 numChars,  // Length
		     TextState&  textState );

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void DrawUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, Colorant fgColor, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );

Draws the UI Shape into the window. For the area described by the UI Shape, the color is set. Otherwise the window area is not affected.


in srcUIShape
The UIShape object to draw.
in basePoint
Upper-left point to start drawing the shape.
in fgColor
Color to use.
in parm0
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm1
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm2
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm3
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.

See also: InvertUIShape()


    void DrawUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape,
		      const WinXYPoint&  basePoint,
		      Colorant  fgColor,
		      int16  parm0 = 0, int16  parm1 = 0,
		      int16  parm2 = 0, int16  parm3 = 0 );

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void InvertUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape, const WinXYPoint& basePoint, int16 parm0 , int16 parm1 , int16 parm2 , int16 parm3 );

Inverts the area specified by a UI Shape. Area outside the UI Shape is not affected. This function merely flips the bits of each pixel in the affected area, if the affected area is not black or white, the results might be surprising.


in srcUIShape
The UIShape object to draw.
in basePoint
Upper-left point to start drawing the shape
in fgColor
Color to use.
in parm0
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm1
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm2
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.
in parm3
Optional parameter to pass to the UIShape.

See also: DrawUIShape()


    void InvertUIShape( const UIShape srcUIShape,
			const WinXYPoint& basePoint,
			int16  parm0 = 0, int16  parm1 = 0,
			int16  parm2 = 0, int16  parm3 = 0 );

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void FillRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner, Colorant fillColor );

Fills a rectangle from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. Drawing a second rectangle using the same left side as this right side produces NO vertical overlap.


in leftCorner
Upper-left X coordinate of the rectangle.
in topCorner
Upper-left Y coordinate of the rectangle.
in rightCorner
Lower-right X coordinate of the rectangle.
in bottomCorner
Lower-right Y coordinate of the rectangle.
in fillColor
Color to fill the rectangle.

See also: InvertRect()


    void FillRect( WinCoord  leftCorner,
		   WinCoord  topCorner,
		   WinCoord  rightCorner,
		   WinCoord  bottomCorner,
		   Colorant  fillColor );

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void InvertRect( WinCoord leftCorner, WinCoord topCorner, WinCoord rightCorner, WinCoord bottomCorner );

Inverts a rectangle in the bitmap. The corners are points, so the lower-right corner pixel is not affected. This function merely flips the bits of each pixel in the affected area, if the affected area is not black or white, the results might be surprising.


in leftCorner
Upper-left X coordinate of the rectangle.
in topCorner
Upper-left Y coordinate of the rectangle.
in rightCorner
Lower-right X coordinate of the rectangle.
in bottomCorner
Lower-right Y coordinate of the rectangle.

See also: FillRect()


    void InvertRect( WinCoord  leftCorner,
		     WinCoord  topCorner,
		     WinCoord  rightCorner,
		     WinCoord  bottomCorner );

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void InvertLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2 );

Invert a single-pixel wide line. This function merely flips the bits of each pixel in the affected area, if the affected area is not black or white, the results might be surprising.


in p1
(x,y) coordinate pair to start inverted line.
in p2
(x,y) coordinate pair to end inverted line.

See also: DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), BrushLine(), DrawPoint(), DrawLine()


    void InvertLine( WinXYPoint p1, WinXYPoint p2 );

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void InvertLine( WinCoord x1, WinCoord y1, WinCoord x2, WinCoord y2 );

Invert a single-pixel wide line. This function merely flips the bits of each pixel in the affected area, if the affected area is not black or white, the results might be surprising.


in x1
X coordinate to start the line.
in y1
Y coordinate to start the line.
in x2
X coordinate to end the line.
in y2
Y coordinate to end the line.

See also: DrawHLine(), DrawVLine(), BrushLine(), DrawPoint(), DrawLine()


    void InvertLine( WinCoord x1, WinCoord y1,
		     WinCoord x2, WinCoord y2 );

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void SetClipRect( const WinXYPoint& clipUpLeft, const WinXYPoint& clipLowRight );

SetClipRect sets a clipping rect for this object, so that subsequent drawing operations are clipped to the rectangle. If a clip rectangle is already set, this replaces it.


in clipUpLeft
- the upper left coord
in clipLowRight
- the lower right coord

See also: ClearClipRect()


    void	SetClipRect( const WinXYPoint&  clipUpLeft,
			     const WinXYPoint&  clipLowRight );

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void ClearClipRect(void);

ClearClipRect clears out a clip rectangle that was previously set.

See also: SetClipRect()


    void	ClearClipRect(void);

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void Render(Renderer& renderer);

Have the passe renderer draw into this component. The renderer's RenderInto() method is called with this component's window as an argument.


in renderer
A sub-class of Renderer.

See also: the Renderer class.


    void        Render(Renderer& renderer);

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WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], const TextState& textState ) const;

Return the width in window coordinates of the specified string.


in string
A null terminated TCHAR string.
in textState
TextState describing type of text to use.

Return value: Width of the string.

See also: FontMetric()


    WinCoord    StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], // NULL terminated
                             const TextState& textState ) const;

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WinCoord StringWidth( const TCHAR string[], int32 numChars, const TextState& textState ) const;

Return the width in window coordinates of the specified string.


in string
A TCHAR string.
in numChars
Number of characters to use.
in textState
TextState describing type of text to use.

Return value: Width of the string.

See also: FontMetric()


    WinCoord    StringWidth( const TCHAR string[],
                             int32 numChars,      // Length
                             const TextState& textState ) const;

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EC (static void EnsureInAppThread(void));

Ensures that the current thread is an application thread

Return value: ASSERTS if not called from the App thread.


    EC (static void EnsureInAppThread(void));

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