Class AppNameAttribute

GEOS-SC:  Library resapp_lib: Class AppNameAttribute

AppNameAttribute objects define the user-visible name of a given application. Define one of these along with a ResidentApplication object. Example:

    MemoResidentApplication memoApp;
    AppNameAttribute(&memoApp, _TEXT("Memo"));

#include <resapp/appattr.h>

Class Data and Methods

AppNameAttribute(ResidentApplication *app, const TCHAR *appName);

Inherited Data and Methods:

This class does not inherit from any other class.

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This class does not inherit from any other class.

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Class is not inherited by any others.

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Descriptions of Class Data and Methods

AppNameAttribute(ResidentApplication *app, const TCHAR *appName);

Constructor for AppNameAttribute class.


in app
The ResidentApplication object this data is associated with.
in appName
The user-visible name of this application (shows up in launcher applications, etc.).


    AppNameAttribute(ResidentApplication *app, const TCHAR *appName);

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