: New:

It's been many years since the 2-Tone Game, but when I catch sight of a checkerboard in the corner of my eye, I can't help but size things up for puzzle potential. E.g. this mural this morning. What's the story here?

[mural at 1111 Buchanan St. A lady sits across the chessboard from you. She's playing black, you're white]

The chessboard is rotated 90°, but that might fit the story. If you zoom out a bit on that mural, you'll see that our opponent sits in a wheelchair. If we assume that this chessboard is built into a table that also has built-in seats, our opponent might have to sit sideways at the table to reach the board.

I suspect that the piece placement is made up, not a real game. I'm not a chess expert, but… it looks like all the bishops are on black squares. And I doubt that white bishop really made it to the last row like that, past those black pawns. Sure, maybe it's a white pawn that got promoted. But similarly, it seems like an unlikely configuration. There's a white pawn in that column. Are we supposed to believe white's rook pawn captured black's knight pawn? And why is black now moving a pawn instead of using her queen to capture the promoted-but-undefended pawn?

On the other hand, maybe the placement is real and black is letting white win?

Tags: 2tonegame

