: New:

It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is watch.)

What does a watched pot never do? Well, it doesn't do many, many things, but experts of English idiom know that a watched pot especially never boils.

A watched pot never  boIls
A magician never  …
Quitters never  …
Cheaters never  …
Eavesdroppers never  …
The apple never  …
Faint heart never  …
A creaking door never  …
Winners never  …
The course of true love never  …
A wild goose never  …
Lightning never  …
Tale never  …
Tomorrow never  …
A little hard work never  …
An elephant never  …
Paper never  …

boIls, cOmes, falls far from thE tree, falls from its Hinges, forgetS, hear any good of themselVes, hurt Anyone, laid a Tame egg, loses in the Telling, prospEr, qUit, Ran smoothly, refused inK, reveals his secreTs, Strikes twice, wiN, won faiR lady

_ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _.

Hints: Well, you want to know a lot of idioms or else be good at faking it. Hopefully you know some of these; and with those eliminated you can match up the rest. Hopefully?

Solution, rot13'd:

N jngpurq cbg arire obVyf
N zntvpvna arire erirnyf uvf frperGf

Dhvggref arire jvA
Purngref arire cebfcRe
Rnirfqebccref arire urne nal tbbq bs gurzfryIrf
Gur nccyr arire snyyf sne sebz guR gerr
Snvag urneg arire jba snvE ynql

N pernxvat qbbe arire snyyf sebz vgf Uvatrf
Jvaaref arire dHvg
Gur pbhefr bs gehr ybir arire Ena fzbbguyl
N jvyq tbbfr arire ynvq n Gnzr rtt
Yvtugavat arire Fgevxrf gjvpr

Gnyr arire ybfrf va gur Gryyvat
Gbzbeebj arire pBzrf

N yvggyr uneq jbex arire uheg Nalbar
Na ryrcunag arire sbetrgF
Cncre arire ershfrq vaX

Gur hccre-pnfr yrggref va gur "obvyf" cuenfrf fcryy Vg arire uhegf gb nfx.

Tags: puzzle scene EnigMarch

