It is #EnigMarch, and each day the excellent EnigMarch people post a prompt word; then puzzle nerds try to design puzzles around that word. (Today's word is raise.)
"Raise" and "raze" are interesting words: they're homophones (sound alike) and antonyms (mean opposite). "Rays" just muddies the waters further: you have three words that sound alike and mean quite different things.
The clues below hint at word-triads: all words in each triad sounds alike. Fill the words into the blanks in alphabetical order.
_ _ _◯_, _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ | entitlement, ceremony, compose |
_ _ _◯, _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ | product, erode, at which |
_ _◯, _ _ _, _ _ | briny deep, perceive, yes in Yecla |
◯_ _ _, _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ | way, anchor chain, paddled |
_ _ _ _, _ _ _◯_, _ _ _ _ | quote, attraction, place |
_◯_ _, _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ | penny, odor, posted |
_ _◯, _ _, _ _ _ | paddle, (conjunction), Catan good |
◯_ _, _ _ _, _ _ _ | she sheep, tree, second person |
When you're done, the circled letters should spell out some good advice for solving this puzzle, albeit too late: ◯◯◯◯ ◯◯◯◯
Hints and solution, rot13'd:
Gur svefg jbeq va gur svefg gevnq vf evtug.
Urer'f gur erfg bs gur qngn:
U / evtug, evgr, jevgr / ragvgyrzrag, prerzbal, pbzcbfr R / jner, jrne, jurer / cebqhpg, rebqr, ng juvpu N / frn, frr, fv / oeval qrrc, creprvir, lrf va Lrpyn E / ebnq, ebqr, ebjrq / jnl, napube punva, cnqqyrq U / pvgr, fvtug, fvgr / dhbgr, nggenpgvba, cynpr R / prag, fprag, frag / craal, bqbe, cbfgrq E / bne, be, ber / cnqqyr, (pbawhapgvba), Pngna tbbq R / rjr, lrj, lbh / fur furrc, gerr, frpbaq crefba
Gur pvepyrq yrggref fcryy urne urer.