: New:

Today I got* a new-to-me pastry: croissant egg tarts (焦糖可頌蛋撻). (Am I the only one who wants to call them craan tat? Anyhow.) Correctly anticipating that eating these would leave a mess of pastry flakes around me, I didn't eat these at home (a place I'd have to clean up). Instead, I went to the bench behind the Parnassus Ave Starbucks, where birds provide pastry-fragment cleanup service.

two pastries (one with a bite taken out of it) sit on the little bags they came in. They look like regular egg custard tarts, except carmelized on top like a flan and their crusts look croissant-darkish instead of pie-lightish photo that's been altered with a circle and an arrow to call attention to something and some text that says 'pastry, i think?'. Original photo had a crow (or raven? I'm not a corvid expert) in the foreground with something in its beak; in the background you can see bits of Golden Gate Park, the Richmond District, the Presidio and a couple of smidgens of the Golden Gate Bridge

*At Pineapple King on Irving in San Francisco.

Tags: cuisine

