: New:

Chalk art at 20th and Irving in San Francisco: ¿dónde están los huevos?

sidewalk chalk art. pretty surreal. an anthropomorphized egg has climbed a ladder and addresses a few neighbors. text below reads ¿dónde están los huevos?. text above is in Chinese which I can't read, but when I plugged 'where are the eggs?' into Google translate and tried a few dialects, I noticed the Traditional Chinese translation had a few characters in common. The neighbors... Well, there's a lady with a cloud head carrying a turnip. There's a caftan-wearing rainbow-headed figure carrying a chard? kale? leaf. There's a ✳-headed figure carrying a loaf of bread. There's a potato-bodied person covered with human eyes. The potato-eyes thing makes me wonder if I'm overlooking puns in the other figures. Off the the side, mostly out of frame: a snake (Happy New Year!)

Tags: pedestrian

